I explain my problem to you, sometimes when I connect to my server my skin is reset by default while sometimes my skin is saved. Every time the problem occurs I get this error:
Your picture shows no errors. warnings are not errors. and those warnings are very common.
did you press f8 and check that log for an error?
Looking at the character creator your purchased, his las update on it says he completely remove skinchanger from being needed, so not sure why you’e using skinchanger, could be an issue.
What is esx_adminmode, would that have anything to do with changing your skin? Because it says it placed you in player mode.
Thank you for your answer, to answer your question esx_skin needs skinchanger to start, I unfortunately did not have an error in the console f8 and esx_adminmode is an panel admin for staff.
Yes my skin is well saved when I modify it but unfortunately when the skin is reset it saves the reset skin. The skin is not reset at each connection only from time to time