Simple Trainer won't show up

  1. Download the fx_asi_build.res file I attached to my original reply.
  2. Install the Resource Hacker program.
  3. Open Resource Hacker and click the open button.
  4. In the drop-down at the bottom-right of the file selection dialog, select “All files”.
  5. Find the .asi plugin you want to patch, select it, and click “Open”.
  6. Click “Actions” on the menu bar, and choose “Add from a Resource file”.
  7. Find the fx_asi_buid.res file you downloaded, select it, and click “Open”.
  8. In the “Import Resources” window, click “Check/Uncheck All” to check all of the items.
  9. Click “Import”.
  10. Click the save button.
  11. Close Resource Hacker.
  12. Remove the *_original.asi file that Resource Hacker creates in the same directory as the .asi plugin you selected. It’s a backup of how it was before patching it, but if you leave it in the plugins folder, FiveM will try and load it as a plugin.

Steps 3 thru 10 are what are demonstrated in the video in my original reply.