Simple clothe shop for RedM and RedemRP



I made this menu to allow you to buy your outfits and change characters or create with REDEMRP_SKIN.

1 - You can buy them on the city of Valentine in the shop, an icon is placed on the map .

2 - You can create your character online or have another character from the games which can also be modified in this same store.

3 - resource function with REDEM_ROLEPLAY whom you withdraw the money when you buy an outfit.

But this script can work withou…

More info and support post here. Im Frensh if you dont speack English

Notify and menu include.

Todo :

– translation is in progress :heavy_check_mark:ok
– Save in skin db the clothe :heavy_check_mark:ok
– add female mp :heavy_check_mark:ok
– multiple magasin :heavy_check_mark:ok
– added all blip :heavy_check_mark:ok
added personnal menu:heavy_check_mark:ok

update db save /loadcloath2 for spawn your Clothe or now you can use the personal menu

Last update


Hi, thank’s for your job.

I’ve tried it but I can’t open the menu by pressing “Enter”
No error in console (in RedM or Console)

Sinon pour en français.
Merci pour ton boulot, je l’ai testé et hélas je n’arrive pas à spawn le menu en appuyant sur “entrer”, il n’y a pas d’erreur dans la console (coté fivem ou serveur).

Merci à toi en tout cas


Hello ,

Here we speack English but Salut à toi et merci
I need update the script yes! maybe for tomorow . I lets you know .

Thx :+1:

1 Like

Hey, this would be perfect for my server, but when I open the menu and select an option it crashes my game… I don’t know if this would help, but I would love to see this working!

I dont have this issu but I have make update just à few mn. I can try if problem is fix.
This dont when you try create new online perso ?

Try the last update

Hi, Is it normal that when I want to change my clothes he completely changes the skin of my character? Thank you.

This script does not really appear to be a “clothe shop” - It’s more of an NPC spawner. Since it simply spawns you as an NPC in the NPC outfit.

Edit: Seems like some of the clothes do save to the Ped, but not all of them. Some of the selections do spawn you as an NPC.

Yes as like I said here this for complet clothe not each compomen … But i work on script for add creator after you chose the clothe et you can save all ped :wink:

Yes is it! Clothe dont whant say Component but clothe so one complet ped with all component :wink:
And you can use with any ped you whant ( npc , online , history … ) without any bug of texture.
Just like I said in Todo the db save is not making…

Here’s English (for the most part):

Replace your menu.lua with this:

-- blips on the map
-- blip sur la carte

local blips = {
   {title="valentine", id=1687768444, x=-322.25, y=803.97, z=116.95},

    for _, info in pairs(blips) do
        info.blip = Citizen.InvokeNative(0x554d9d53f696d002,, info.x, info.y, info.z)

-- Clothe shop
-- magasin de vetement

    local checkbox2 = false
    WarMenu.CreateMenu('tenu', "Tailor")
    WarMenu.SetSubTitle('tenu', 'Purchase an Outfit')
    WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('tail', 'tenu', 'Complete Outfits')
    WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('tail2', 'tenu', 'Creation Menu')
     WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('tail3', 'tenu', 'Reset Character Model')

    while true do

        local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
        local coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
        local model = GetHashKey("mp_male")
        local player = PlayerId()

        if WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('tenu') then

            if WarMenu.MenuButton('Reset Character Model', 'tail3') then 

            if WarMenu.MenuButton('Creation Menuu', 'tail2') then 

            if WarMenu.MenuButton('Complete Outfits', 'tail') then

        elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('tail') then
            if WarMenu.Button('Cowboy with Beard 1 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 1, 30) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Crazy Armour 2 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 2, 1) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Farmer 1.5 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 1.5, 2) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Cowboy in Leather (Mexican) 1.4 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 1.4, 4) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Cowboy in Leather (USA) 0.5 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 0.5, 5) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Cowboy with Scarf 0.5 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 0.5, 6) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Cowboy with a cape 1 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 1, 7) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Explorer 0.2 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 0.2, 8) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Explorer with Vest 0.4 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 0.4, 9) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Hunter 0.1') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 0.1, 10) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Hunter with Beard 3 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 3, 11) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Indian 0 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 0, 12) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Indian with Fringe $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 0.6, 13) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Poacher 2 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 2, 14) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Rich Poacher 15 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 5, 15) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Cowboy - Blonde 7 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 7, 36) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Cowboy - Common 0.6 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 0.6, 37) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Cowboy - Common 2 1 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 1, 38) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Bard Coat 3$') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 3, 19) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Mustache and Coat 2 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 2, 20) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Cowboy - Poor 0 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 0, 21) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Suit 3.2 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 3.2, 22) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Bolero 3 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 3, 23) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Cowboy - Uncommon 4 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 4, 24) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Cowboy with Chaps 3.2 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 3.2, 25) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Cowboy - Common 3 3 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 3, 26) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Cowboy Bordeau 4 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 4, 27) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Manteau barde 3$') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 3, 28) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Manteau moustache 2 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 2, 29) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Cowboy pauvre 0 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 0, 30) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Costume veste 3.2 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 3.2, 31) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Bolero 3 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 3, 32) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Cowboy Nice 4 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 4, 33) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Cowboy Chaps 3.2 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 3.2, 34) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Cowboy blond 3 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 4, 36) 
            elseif WarMenu.Button('Cowboy Bordeau 4 $') then
                TriggerServerEvent("buy:clothe", 4, 35) 


        elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('tail2') then   
            if WarMenu.Button('Creation Menu') then


        elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('tail3') then   
            if WarMenu.Button('Peso online') then
               SetPlayerModel(ped, `mp_male`, true)


        elseif (Vdist(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, -322.25, 803.97, 116.95) < 1.0) then
               if whenKeyJustPressed(keys["ENTER"]) then
        elseif (Vdist(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 1225.60, -1293.85, 76.90) < 1.0) then --added new shop
                if whenKeyJustPressed(keys["ENTER"]) then
        elseif (Vdist(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, -248.717, 764.2324, 117.3572) < 1.0) then --added new shop
                if whenKeyJustPressed(keys["ENTER"]) then

-- callback or?

  AddEventHandler('cancel', function()
    SetTextScale(0.5, 0.5)
    local msg = "You do not have enough money."
    local str = Citizen.InvokeNative(0xFA925AC00EB830B9, 10, "LITERAL_STRING", msg, Citizen.ResultAsLong())

    Citizen.InvokeNative(0xFA233F8FE190514C, str)

  AddEventHandler('enter:clothe', function()
    SetTextScale(0.5, 0.5)
    local msg = "Press [ENTER] to access the tailor."
    local str = Citizen.InvokeNative(0xFA925AC00EB830B9, 10, "LITERAL_STRING", msg, Citizen.ResultAsLong())

    Citizen.InvokeNative(0xFA233F8FE190514C, str)

-- save clothe

AddEventHandler('loadtenue', function(kek) 

    SetPedOutfitPreset(PlayerPedId(), kek) 
    TriggerServerEvent("redemrp_skin:createSkin", kek) -- save on db work
------ key fonction

function whenKeyJustPressed(key)
    if Citizen.InvokeNative(0x580417101DDB492F, 0, key) then
        return true
        return false

---- spawn npc

function lePlayerModel(name)
    local model = GetHashKey(name)
    local player = PlayerId()
    if not IsModelValid(model) then return end
    if HasModelLoaded(model) then
        Citizen.InvokeNative(0xED40380076A31506, player, model, false)
        Citizen.InvokeNative(0x283978A15512B2FE, PlayerPedId(), true)

local function PerformRequest(hash)
    print("requesting model " .. hash)

    RequestModel(hash, 0) -- RequestModel

    local times = 1

    print("requested " .. times .. " times")

    while not Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1283B8B89DD5D1B6, hash) do -- HasModelLoaded
        Citizen.InvokeNative(0xFA28FE3A6246FC30, hash, 0) -- RequestModel

        times = times + 1

        print("requested " .. times .. " times")

        if times >= 100 then break end

thanks a lot :wink:
you dont have know in db?

hello i have one problem i open the menu and i select one clothe and crash my game? any one know where download new artifacts for redm? and how fix that problem?

Hello , I dont have issu about this … For artifact tale same as fivem :wink:

i have problem with your clothe shop i press enter and give me crash i question some one and tell me my artifacts its worng… how can fix that error you know?

check again this just the ui from redemrp he have bug … The cash remove but the ui spawn +cash

sorry, what?

Can anyone update this and make a proper clothe shop where peds can change clothes and not the skin?

this is error from redem_roleplay whit the NUI