SG-Citations [ESX + Standalone]


Smugs-Citation is a FiveM resource that provides a citation system, allowing players to generate and fill in citation details. It enables the creation of citations on-screen and includes Discord logging functionality.


  • Citation System: Allows players to create and fill in citation details.
  • On-Screen Display: Citation pop-up on the screen for interactive data input.
  • Discord Logging: Logs citation details to a specified Discord channel.

Future Updates (Planned for v1.1.0):

  • ESX Integration: Incorporates integration with ESX for inventory item retrieval and display on the citation.
  • Enhanced Functionality: Enables the display of inventory items for signing by the person receiving the citation.
  • Embed Discord Messages
  • System To Handle Citation Payments

Current Version 1.0.3

Price: $12.99

Purchase Here

Documentation / Setup Guide

Video Preview : Soon

Discord Logging Preview :

UI Preview :

My Other Resources

Smug’s Arrest Logs

Smug’s Citations

Smug’s LEO Evidence Markes

Smug’s Mailboxes


Showcase please?

yeah you need some sort of video

I will get a video show case out as soon as possible,

the image posted shows the ui of the citation.

1 Like

as stated above i will get a video out as quick as i can, i do apologize for the inconvenience

i did add a in game screen shot and a discord screen shot in the mean time

the UI is editable ?

yes, you can either use your own html code or use a image, but yes the nui / html is fully editable


48-Hour Flash Sale: $12.99 → $9.99

updated to v1.0.4

So where’s the video showcase you were supposed
To put out 2 years ago

Hello, i have been busy with university. ill have a video preview just for you soon :smile: