Setting Up A *Drift* Leaderboard?

Ive been trying to setup some kind of leaderboard that displays the person with the top drift score and resets like every 5 minutes or so. Either in chat or with a static on screen leaderboard.
The drift counter resource I’m using is: [Release] Drift Counter
“_,DriftScore = StatGetInt(“MP0_DRIFT_SCORE”,-1)”
is apparently what I’m supposed to use but I’m unsure of how to implement this into a leaderboard as I’m still kinda new with .lua.
I also tried using it with: [Release]Leaderboard But I couldn’t find anywhere to put the line of code mentioned above.


Bump, you find a way?


I did get somebody to make me a working** leaderboard through chat. (Kind of like the one on RSM). It has a few kinks but it works for the most part.
I’ll list some of the features here:
Reset command, reset timer, over take announcements, new high score announcements, and admin perms to allow only a specific group to reset it.
Currently I’m not home and don’t have the resource on hand to share it and the original drift counter resource cannot be re-released so maybe if you were to add me on discord I can get it too you when I’m home.

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are you still willing to share the files still? been looking for something like this. my discord is vile#9990, let me know!


it dosent let me connect to the server, please help me.



What are you on about?


it doesnt let me load in too


how can i join the vip???

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can annyone help i cant load in the server


i cant connect to the server for unknown reason
can anyone help me pleas

it doesnt let me go in to the server for vip what do i need to do

its dosent let me join the servers

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why its says im not coming in it says connection sum and vileinc connection what i need¨¨

same when i try to join a server it says cannot connect to server

it happens with me 2

i cant get in drift inc v2 vip

bro it doesnt let me connect

admin please close this thread. I have found a different script that does what i need.

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im not whitelisted
can you whitelist me pls

Someone please close this thread. Oh my lord.

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