
wew, it’s been a while since i last released something on this forum! :open_mouth:

today i bring you a leaderboard, which is meant for those kinds of minigames or TDM servers where you always have a visible leaderboard on the side of the screen :smile:

here’s a screenshot of how it looks ingame :slight_smile:

it has an easy to use API to interface your scripts with it:

example on how to add/modify players on the leaderboard (WORKS ONLY SERVERSIDE, NOT ON CLIENT TO PREVENT LUA INJECTION VULNERABILITIES)

    TriggerEvent("Leaderboard:addplayer",{name="fake 1",rank=1,points="500 kills"} ) --add/edit a player

a player object is made by 3 elements: the player’s name (string) the rank of the player (int) and the score of the player (string) as shown above. if a position doesn’t have a player set it will display “####” as name and score.


i hope you’ll enjoy this, if any bugs or problems occur, please let me know, if i have time and motivation i’ll fix them! :slight_smile:


btw if you find bugs, tell me asap 'cause i will be away for 17 days starting on the 23rd of july@19:50 CEST :joy:

can you make it work with esx / vrp plsssssssssssssssssss

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no, only with vRPex (it’s an actual thing sadly)

rported for frameworkism

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fuck this i’m off to bed lol

So it will not work with Essentialmode?

Looks awesome, thanks for the release. :smile:

Only thing that caught my eye, was that if a players name is too many characters, it will end up looking like this, also with “1 kills” ect. ect.:


thanks for the feedback! :slight_smile: i’ll try to fix it.

it was a joke, duh

Nice release, i’m sure it’ll come in handy to a fair amount of server owners. (p.s. activate windows xD) :wink::joy:


I guess my internet sarcasm o meter is broken, I’ll have to get it fixed so it’s perfect like yours. Duh.

sorry, no respect for people using esx es or vrp :^)

I have no respect for people that think they are better than and condescend other people because they are good at development :^)

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i dont think that, i think that i am better because i dont use essentialsmode nor any other shit framework :stuck_out_tongue:

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can this also work as a drift leaderboard?


yes. just write a script that adds the drift points of the various players by using the events as described in the original post :slight_smile: