Set ped AI blip on the map

Hello there,
I was helping a guy with his script (Command Arguments - need Hash of Player given - #19 by alexanderbg01) and I got interested in the native SetPedHasAiBlip. When I was spawning a ped I also setting it so it will have an ai blip. The ped’s blip was random (sometimes on spawn it was police one and the other time it was hated enemy one). My question is how to set this blip (on ped spawn) so its type is police/enemy one?


RegisterCommand("test", async (source, args, rawCommand)=>{

    let dogModel = 882848737

    let player = GetPlayerPed(-1)

    let loc = GetEntityCoords(player, true)

    let [pX, pY, pZ] = loc


    let wait = 0

        wait = wait + 100
        await rpme.functions.sleep(10);
        if(wait > 10000){

    let dogPed = CreatePed(5, dogModel, pX, pY, pZ, 0, true, false)


    SetPedAsEnemy(dogPed, true)
    TaskCombatPed(dogPed, player)
    SetPedHasAiBlip(dogPed, true)
    //Some native to determine the blip type

Just use this

local blip = AddBlipForEntity(dogped)
SetBlipAsFriendly(blip, false) -- this makes the blip show up as an enemy

And you can use other natives to change the blip sprite, color, etc.