Command Arguments - need Hash of Player given

Hello again. I was able to solve your issue. I don’t code in lua and thats why my script is in javascript. This code is running fine and the dog is attacking the player:

RegisterCommand("test", async (source, args, rawCommand)=>{

    let dogModel = 882848737

    let player = GetPlayerPed(-1)

    let loc = GetEntityCoords(player, true)

    let [pX, pY, pZ] = loc


    let wait = 0

        wait = wait + 100
        await rpme.functions.sleep(10);
        if(wait > 10000){

    let dogPed = CreatePed(5, dogModel, pX, pY, pZ, 0, true, false)


    SetPedAsEnemy(dogPed, true)
    TaskCombatPed(dogPed, player)

If you need help to translate it in lua just tell me.

PS: The only problem is when the player enters a car, the dog doesn’t follow or attack him even after he exits the car

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