ServerSync (Time / Weather / Wind + More)

i second this, could really do with blackout to coincide with other scripts

just wondering, if i put this on my server does everyone have access to it your just the people i have set to super.admin in my database?

@Spacetrucker just whoever you specify in your ACE config files.

dont know if i have any of them even haha thanks for the reply

Hey there, would you be up for updating the script (or giving me a guide) on how to make the weather sync with a location - but most importantly, make the time sync with the servers time? :smile:

I would like to do the commands in the game chat and not on the console!
It is necessary to configure the permissions but where?

How to turn off time. Weather sync and make it available to all players

@Wyste how do I make this work for all normal users I try setting it to the group.user but seems i have to set it as sync I was normal users to use these as the server is private and we trust our users could you explain how we out pip all commands in to all users, thanks.

I added a option to override permissions for now, nice script tho, maybe on the weather for snow and BLIZZARD make it the snow covered world :slight_smile:

@Wyste is there any way to Decrease players view distance ??
like Decrease view distance of traffic light or Electric post or light post ??
i mean if traffic light or Electric post or light post visible in 500 meter change that to only visible on 50meter

i think your Mod have Decrease of traffic light or Electric post or light post,
is there any way to Decrease tree and grass? or remove all extra grass at all?
i need a way to increase fps at all cost in server side

Npcs stop spawn last update fivem

you cant increase FPS on Server Side, FPS are client sided bruh

Have you guys tested this with Onesync? I’m looking to improve our servers syncing and this caught my interest?

Just wanted to ask before putting this to test and lose my mind trying to figure out possible errors in the beginning :smiley:

hey bro, do you fix the cloud moves like nintendo? i am already using vSync but the clouds are moving so freaky and also does it work with vMenu? what should i edit in vMenu to work with?

I have a problem. After installing serversync, the game screen flashes. As if it gets brighter every second and gets darker all the time, sometimes I can see textures turning white for a split second. Thanks and regards.

how can i get the current weather?

This script is used to synchronize weather, time, wind and more between players.

yeah and if it can sync that means its getting current weather and setting on others but i dont get how tf it gets current weather?

how to set the realtime in this script ?

How I can edit when its going to be morning, noon, evening and night ?