I know there are already many APIs out there to create custom NativeUI menus… but afaik NONE of them is made in scaleforms
After months of teasing on the main discord, I present and release to you ScaleformUI.
With ScaleformUI developers can create NativeUI menus and custom Pause Menus, animate them, interact with them all in a smooth and lightweight environment.
The API is available in C# and Lua.
It contains almost everything a vanilla HUD can do… like a Marker class to create and handle Markers easily, and a Notifications class to send native notifications without the need to write custom functions / methods for them.
The Menu API contains everything NativeUI has plus even more features!
ScaleformUI lets you handle InstructionalButtons, MidSizedMessage, BigMessage, WarningScreen scaleforms without writing a single line of scaleform code, simply call the needed function/method and you’re good to go!
Both Lua and C# have examples to show how Menus and PauseMenus are made and handled.
Question: Could you provide real-world examples of menus in action?
Answer: Absolutely! Welcome to the enthralling realm of the GTA Series Arcade, where ScaleformUI showcases its prowess on one of the most distinguished servers in the FiveM universe. Join me as we explore tangible instances of menus that exemplify the zenith of gaming immersion.
for the skepticals here are the pictures with the performance on Menu opened
It’s all open source on Github.
Wanna know how it works and what features are available? Check the Project’s Wiki here: Home · manups4e/ScaleformUI Wiki · GitHub
Source Code can be found here: GitHub - manups4e/ScaleformUI: ScaleformUI is a GTA menu styled API made with custom Scaleforms to be lighter, faster and visually better
Example in C# here: ScaleformUI/MenuExample/MenuExample.cs at master · manups4e/ScaleformUI · GitHub
Example in Lua here: ScaleformUI/ScaleformUI_Lua/example.lua at master · manups4e/ScaleformUI · GitHub
Download the latest release here: Releases · manups4e/ScaleformUI · GitHub
If you want to help me continue developing ScaleformUI and you think this is too good to be free, you can purchase it at any price you want on my Tebex here: Tebex
Also i would love to thank sleepingtears for his help, commitment and contributions, and and @lacoL for his support.
You want to learn how to make scaleforms but don’t know where to start?
- Follow my guide Here: How-To Scaleforms