Hello everyone!

The RSDEV team is proud to present our latest creation near the island of Cayo Perico: the “Guantacayo” prison :cactus: .

For servers looking to bring life to this island in addition to Los Santos and develop a unique economy and regime, this is a great addition to your mapping collection.

As always, we’ve put great attention to detail, striving to make everything as realistic as possible while adhering to various standards to ensure that the mapping remains optimized and does not burden your communities.

This MLO has been designed to complement both our CAYO PACK (which includes over fifteen MLOs spread across Cayo) and to seamlessly integrate with any other mapping you might have nearby. Very few vanilla files have been edited, and most are localized exclusively on this small island, making it very easy to use.

The mapping includes different rooms, allowing you to create various roleplay scenes, much to the delight of your players and the outlaws who will be incarcerated there.

:parasol_on_ground: Here is an overview of the different features of this MLO presented: :parasol_on_ground:

:white_check_mark: A reception room and a rustic visiting room.
:white_check_mark: A guard room.
:white_check_mark: A cafeteria.
:white_check_mark: Two inmate blocks, with a total of 44 cells.
:white_check_mark: A “solitary confinement” type cell.
:white_check_mark: An infirmary.

:cactus: Features of the Guantacayo Complex :cactus:

:beginner:Map optimization.
:beginner:Realistic interior.
:beginner:Prison MLO.
:beginner:Cayo Perico area.
:beginner:2 outdoor courts (one open, one secured).
:beginner:A protected arrival zone.
:beginner:Editable textures.

Total size: 26.1 MB




Tested on a 550+ player server

Code is accessible No / Fivem Escrow
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) Mapping
Requirements No
Support Yes


Other FiveM & RedM Resources

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:fire: - RSD[MLO] GUANTACAYO - Prison :fire:
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Vespucci - Chicago Street [Hood] :fire:
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Cayo Perico - Pack [10 MLO] :fire:
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Little-Seoul DISTRICT :fire:
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Little-Seoul Mafia/Yakuza/Triad V2
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Kortz Center Bunker
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Luckywheels Motorcycle
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Sunshine auto
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Seoul Base
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Secret Base
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:fire: - RSD[MLO] Josia Montain Complex
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Paleto Bay Church
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Rancho Aztecas
:fire: - RSD[MLO] Ballas Underground
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:fire: - RSD PauseMenu NUI with REPORT

And more …


That’s beautiful! Congrats on the idea as well. The price is great too


Thank you for your comment! :wink:

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