Renzu_tuners - Advanced Vehicle System | Dyno Tuning

:bar_chart: renzu_tuners

Fivem Advanced Vehicle System. Including Mileages , Degrations ,Multiple Engine Parts Variation like Racing Pistons , Dyno Tuning and more.
mechanic job tuner #dyno tuning #laptop vehicle handling racing


:interrobang: What is this?

  • This Resource focus is Vehicle Upgrade System, Degration and Tuning.
  • if your community loves Vehicles and Racing this is perfect for you.

:film_strip: Demo

Demo Video

:fire: Feature

  • Multiple Engine Parts Upgrades. ex. Pistons, Camshaft.
  • Engine Mileage
  • Engine Parts Degrations. ex. mileage too high, over tuning, bad tuning.
  • Scalable Engine Power - Engine Horsepower will decrease and increase depending on the Engine Efficieny Tuning %
  • Multiple Tires Variations
  • Tires Degration
  • Vehicle Tuning System - includes Engine management, Gear Ratios, Boost Per Gears, Suspension Tuning.
  • Dyno Tuning System - Semi Realistic tuning includes. Ignition Timing, Fuel Table, Final Drive Gear, Air Fuel Ratio.
  • Advanced Vehicle Flags Items - utilise GTA CCarHandlingData - strHandlingFlags and strModelFlags. ex. Kinetic Energy.
  • Support Changing Drivetrain - AWD, FWD, RWD.
  • Job Based Upgrade Menu - Includes OEM, Elite, Pro, Racing and Ultimate Engine parts.
  • Job Based Interactions - Supports Targets, Points System, Radial menu. (check vehicle status, tire status, engine performance, upgrade menu)
  • Crafting System - All Items and Upgrades are Craftable.
  • Supports Forced Induction - utilise renzu_turbo, renzu_nitro
  • Engine Swap - utilise renzu_engine
  • Built in Vehicle Mod Upgrade - ex. with Elite Full Upgrade is equivalent to normal GTA vehicle mod Engine, transmition lvl 4. with extra topspeed, acceleration.
  • Transmission System - Set Manual Gears or Custom automatic Gears to support Custom Gear Ratios

:joystick: Commands

  • this probably good in OX Radial menu.
  • /tuning - Open Tuning Options if ECU is Installed.
  • /upgrades - Open Package Installer. (install all in one parts by category ex. Elite)
  • /repair - Simple Repair System. Single Action in Motorcycle type, and 4 Points Actions in 4 Wheels.
  • /checkvehicle - See List of Engine parts status, if opened by job ex. mechanic, menu will open a upgrade.
  • /manualgear - Set your current vehicle to manual gearings (arrow up and arrow down)
  • /autogear - Set your current vehicle to use custom Automatic Gears. (supports gear ratios and more aggresive compare to vanilla ones.) / autogear 1 if you want to use Ecomode.
  • /setmileage - set your current vehicle mileage (usage: /setmileage 1000)
  • /sefuel - set your current vehicle fuel (usage: /setfuel 100) (ox_fuel)
  • /sethandling - set your current vehicle parts health (usage: /sethandling 50) (max 100)

:information_source: Tuning FAQ.

Click me
  • based on real life logic. semi realistic

  • Ignition Timing - if ignition timing is too high, afr will become lean.

  • Fuel Table - if fuel table is too high, afr will become rich.

  • Final Drive - can be decrease or increase depending on your usage/track. Increase/Decrease overall topspeed of vehicle.

  • Gear Ratios - Tune and decide how long or short the gear reach the redline. (this can decrease or increase duration of rpm)

  • Boost Per Gears - Decide how much Turbo Pressure is allowed to enter in Intake Manifold. ( most usage is Lower boosting in lower gears to reduce Wheelspin) Over Boosting will result a Lean AFR. Lowering the boost might result a Rich AFR.

  • Engine Efficiency - can be seen in Dyno Tuning. this dictate hows your engine Potencial based on your upgrade and ECU Tuning.

  • AFR - This shows your current Air and Fuel Ratio. this dictate hows your engine performance, lower afr lower power and too much high AFR decrease power. Average and Recommended AFR value is 13.2 - 13.8 and 13.5 is the perfect tuning (redline)

  • Engine Temperature - While in Dyno Engine can explode if your engine is too hot due to Lean tuning.

  • Map Sensor - Dictate how much Air Pressure is going to Intake Manifold. this will increase when using Turbo and NOS.

  • Turbo Tuning - This Produce a Massive Air Volume to Engine. can result Lean AFR and needs proper Engine Tuning Management.

  • Stock Vehicle - If vehicle is default with no upgrades (ex. elite) AFR and Tuning Efficiency is always 100.

  • Upgraded Engine - if vehicle is upgraded (ex. elite) Potencial is always around 80% Engine efficiency and lean AFR, all upgraded parts requires proper Tuning.

Engine Parts Degration FAQ

  • Stock Engine can degrade very fast if using NOS, Custom Turbo and Over Tuning in ECU.
  • Upgraded Engine - if engine is fully upgraded (ex. elite, racing) degration is decrease, can still be degraded very fast if BAD tuning and BAD Afr.
  • Mileage - Engine Degrades when specific mileage is reach.

Engine Parts

  • Each Engine Parts have specific Handling assign to them (can be configure in config)
  • Each Engine Parts have specific profiles assign to them (ex. compression, cam duration, fuel and etc.) this profiles increase the value on each variants. this profiles dictate the AFR and tuning efficiency (can be configure in config)

:handshake: Dependency

:school_satchel: Inventory Support

  • to use the Upgrade Parts as Items, this requires Inventory
  • right now only ox_inventory/qb-inventory is supported
  • ESX Function (additem,removeitem) without metadata is partialy supported to support other ESX inv.
  • Inventory porting is easy look for inventory.lua

Image Upgrade Menu



Install / CONFIG

Installation /CONFIG
  • goto /install/ and install the items and image to your inventory.

  • if your using other inventory for ESX. you need to register the items to database.

  • ensure ox_lib

  • ensure renzu_engine, renzu_turbo, renzu_nitro (if you are using) this is required in Forced Induction system.

  • ensure renzu_tuners
    configure the config.lua to your liking.

  • Default location: Easy los santos Customs (with craftings target points and dyno placement)

  • bennys with dyno placement.


  • by default the system upgrade is free.

  • can be configured to use item without metadata support, or with metadata (only ox_inventory)

  • can be configured to use Job Society/management money with upgrades.

  • can be used with Job Restriction ex. mechanic.

  • All Upgrades, Dyno etc. can be configured without job needed. (all players can access)

  • can be configure to use cash/money with upgrades.

  • developer debuging - config.debug is set to true as default to use debuging commands.

  • handling configuration - all engine parts handling can be configure in config to fits your current server vehicles.

  • pricing if using purchasable option: all upgrades pricing can be configured.

  • crafting materials - by default item is included in items.lua install folder. item can be change in config.

  • and many more configurable options in config.lua.

PS: Thank to MIST and his friend the modeler for providing a dynamometer model for community..
Model: if you are gonna use the Dynamometer Model to other resource please contact M I S T to get permission. as this Model is included in my open source project.
Demo Video: used Rising Suns MLO.
Resource is Fairly New , bugs are possible and must be reported in Github.

i think you forgot the download link!


He did but you can see the link in the yt vid

1 Like

Yes, I Know, Just Told It

yeah haha, i forget , updated post.

Gracias por tu trabajo. A muchos nos ayudan tus scripts. Sigue mejorandolos. :smiley:

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Renzu, do you think that for the next update in your garage and vehicleshop you can do it with ox_target? please? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This looks great, although i’d be pissed if my R34 GTR only made 103 BHP stock lol

Hey Renzu is there any SQL file to import the items for normal esx inventorys?

haha that server uses bad handling for GTR, only made it in video to show it supports custom vehicle.

i did not provide, but you can disable items if you want and use purchasable options which is recommend in most rp server.
if you want items you need to install all items to your SQL, if you are not using ox_inventory. its around 100 items including extra items such a kinetic energy, traction controls.

hellou :slight_smile: I downloaded this script, so far it works like me, it just doesn’t want to show me the pictures for the names in the menu

Install the items icon to your inventory.

the picture uses ox_inventory path or qb-inventory.
whats your inventory?

wow complete :fire:

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pls make renzu_controller also qb-inventory compatible!

I uploaded all the pictures to the inventory but it doesn’t show them there anyway. we use ox_inventory

make sure the inventory image path is like this


if not your using old ox_inventory

and make sure you restart ox_inventory too

Thank You <3


A pleasure be hable to could help @Renzuzu that always think in community …and like ALWAYS insane work

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Great job as always! The FiveM community appreciates everything you do open source. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Great job as always! The FiveM community appreciates everything you do open source. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you :heart_decoration: