Renzu_tuners - Advanced Vehicle System | Dyno Tuning

I have it exactly where it should be in ox_inventory, but it still doesn’t show me them

open a github issue or message me to help you more.
message me with the screenshot of your ox_inventory image path.

as always you are the legend of free resource

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Must Say For You To Release Things Like This For Free Your Awesome!! Much Respect :fist:t5:

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Getting launcher out the garage and under the map every now and then when scrolling the menus

the best script developer to tune vehicles as always, thanks my friend Renzu

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Try changing the dynamometer placement,

Just copy coords when your in vehicle.

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this may or may not help

INSERT INTO items (name, label, weight, rare, can_remove) VALUES

('allwheeldrive', 'allwheeldriven', 5, 0, 1),

('axlesolidfront', 'axlesolidfront', 5, 0, 1),

('axlesolidrear', 'axlesolidrear', 5, 0, 1),

('axletorsionfront', 'axletorsionfront', 5, 0, 1),

('axletorsionrear', 'axletorsionrear', 5, 0, 1),

('closerationgears', 'closerationgears', 5, 0, 1),

('cvttranny', 'cvttranny', 5, 0, 1),

('drag_tires', 'drag tires', 5, 0, 1),

('drift_tires', 'drift tires', 5, 0, 1),

('engine', 'engine', 5, 0, 1),

('engine_airfilter', 'engine airfilter', 5, 0, 1),

('engine_block', 'engine block', 5, 0, 1),

('engine_camshaft', 'engine camshaft', 5, 0, 1),

('engine_connectingrods', 'engine connectingrods', 5, 0, 1),

('engine_crankshaft', 'engine crankshaft', 5, 0, 1),

('engine_flywheel', 'engine flywheel', 5, 0, 1),

('engine_fuelinjector', 'engine fuelinjector', 5, 0, 1),

('engine_gasket', 'engine gasket', 5, 0, 1),

('engine_oil', 'engine oil', 5, 0, 1),

('engine_pistons', 'engine pistons', 5, 0, 1),

('engine_sparkplug', 'engine sparkplug', 5, 0, 1),

('engine_valves', 'engine valves', 5, 0, 1),

('esc', 'esc', 5, 0, 1),

('frontwheeldrive', 'frontwheeldrive', 5, 0, 1),

('kers', 'kers', 5, 0, 1),

('lsdf', 'lsdf', 5, 0, 1),

('lsdr', 'lsdr', 5, 0, 1),

('oem_brakes', 'oem brakes', 5, 0, 1),

('oem_gearbox', 'oem gearbox', 5, 0, 1),

('oem_suspension', 'oem suspension', 5, 0, 1),

('offroadtune1', 'offroadtune1', 5, 0, 1),

('offroadtune2', 'offroadtune2', 5, 0, 1),

('racing_airfilter', 'racing airfilter', 5, 0, 1),

('racing_block', 'racing block', 5, 0, 1),

('racing_brakes', 'racing brakes', 5, 0, 1),

('racing_camshaft', 'racing camshaft', 5, 0, 1),

('racing_clutch', 'racing clutch', 5, 0, 1),

('racing_connectingrods', 'racing connectingrods', 5, 0, 1),

('racing_crankshaft', 'racing crankshaft', 5, 0, 1),

('racing_flywheel', 'racing flywheel', 5, 0, 1),

('racing_fuelinjector', 'racing fuelinjector', 5, 0, 1),

('racing_gasket', 'racing gasket', 5, 0, 1),

('racing_gearbox', 'racing gearbox', 5, 0, 1),

('racing_oil', 'racing oil', 5, 0, 1),

('racing_pistons', 'racing pistons', 5, 0, 1),

('racing_sparkplug', 'racing_sparkplug', 5, 0, 1),

('racing_suspension', 'racing suspension', 5, 0, 1),

('racing_tires', 'racing tires', 5, 0, 1),

('racing_valves', 'racing valves', 5, 0, 1),

('rearwheeldrive', 'rearwheeldrive', 5, 0, 1),

('sports_tires', 'sports tires', 5, 0, 1),

('stanced', 'stanced', 5, 0, 1),

('street_tires', 'street tires', 5, 0, 1),

('tcs', 'tcs', 5, 0, 1),

('transmition', 'transmition', 5, 0, 1),

('transmition_clutch', 'transmition clutch', 5, 0, 1);
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wrap it with ```

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thanks bud i have only done the ones with photos also theres a webp photo in there still just to let you know.

how do i add this table could you do a sql for me sorry

[ script:oxmysql] SCRIPT ERROR in promise (unhandled rejection): Error: renzu_tuners was unable to execute a query!
[ script:oxmysql] Table ‘dev1.renzu_tuner’ doesn’t exist
[ script:oxmysql] SELECT * FROM renzu_tuner []
[ script:oxmysql] > (@oxmysql/dist/build.js:21734)
[ script:oxmysql] > processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96)
[ script:oxmysql] > async rawQuery (@oxmysql/dist/build.js:21726)
[ script:oxmysql]

what table?

renzu_tuner table should be auto installed

or run this manually to your SQL.

CREATE TABLE `renzu_tuner` (
			`plate` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL,
			`mileages` int DEFAULT 0,
			`vehiclestats` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
			`defaulthandling` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
			`vehicleupgrades` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
			`vehicletires` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
			`drivetrain` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL,
			`advancedflags` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL,
			`ecu` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
			`currentengine` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL
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can the dyno work on its own with out using the tuning part /upgraded part

ofcourse, even with default GTA vehicle mod

SetVehicleMod ex.(engine lvl 4)

or if you modify internaly the vehicle handling (meta)

even with external resource modifying Vehicle Handling ( which is not recommended because of conflicting )

you will see improvements / horsepower

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nice thank you for the script its very good

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You are a legend mate!

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Nice script but where can I translate it?

no translation lua yet, but you can translate /client/*.lua

i have no errors, but the script is not starting :frowning:

Is it the only folder where text is located?

Hello, thank you for this great script,
how can I do to put more dynamometers please?

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