Renewed Fuel | ESX/QBCore/OX/QBox

Welcome to Renewed Fuel, the most advanced fuel and gas station script for FiveM.

Renewed Fuel aims to replace all Fuel Scripts which are made with age old techniques such as Vehicle decors, therefor our fuel system uses Statebags which makes our sync one of the best on the market.

Renewed Fuel also has ownable gas stations and oil rigs, look below for a couple of our highlighted features.



  • Optimized (0.00ms idle, and 0.01ms on use, less than 1 MiB ram usage regardless of frameworks)
  • Multi Framework support ESX/Ox/QBCore/QBox
  • Fully secure, no more having to worry about cheaters giving themself money!
  • Fully translatable (english translation included)
  • Build in brand new fuel system utilizing statebags meaning that the sync is now next level.
  • Multi fuel types system, which can give different effects
  • Able to have a driver and someone fuel the vehicle at the same time.
  • Chance for vehicles to blow up IF being refilled while engine is running.
  • Fully synced Nozzles and Ropes

Gas Stations

  • Admins can create/modify stations while ingame.
  • Integrated Gas stations logs to see everything the employees are doing.
  • Build in society fund for the gas stations.
  • Build in job system for gas stations.
  • Able to change prices per fuel pump
  • Upgrades per fuel pump
  • Oil tanks that can be purchased and upgraded to carry more oil.

Oil Rigs

  • Oil Rigs are synced across all players
  • Oil Rigs comes with synced animation to reflect speeds
  • Oil Rigs comes with build in storages
  • Oil Rigs have 2 build in crude oils (Low and High) quality!
  • Oil Rigs can be placed by admins
  • Players can transfer access to each rig

Oil Field

  • Oil field Controllers (Storage, Distillery and Blending Pool)
  • Storage have unlimited storage for oil rig crude oils and gasoline
  • Configurable recipes to deter main rates and gasoline types
  • Able to extract gasolines into barrels to be used for gas stations
  • Synced sounds for player making fuel

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Documentation Here

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 6k+
Requirements Ox Lib, Renewed Lib, Ox_Inventory, QBcore/esx/qbox/ox, OxMysql, ox_target
Support Yes

There’s currently a blackfriday 20% off sale, which ends in 3 days!

Looks like one of the most complete fueling scripts out there. Great work!

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Thanks joe :pray:

Lookslike very nice!!!

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what about electricity cars and diesel cars/trucks ?

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We are adding electric car support soon in our next big update.

Here’s the current roadmap for the fuel system.

  1. Add native audio support for fueling vehicles to be more immersive,
  2. Add petrolcan weight support so it weights different from when full to empty
  3. Configureable gallons per petrolcan so instead of a petrolcan holding 100 gallons of fuel it can be customized to 10, 15, 20 etc.
  4. Adding electric car support

All these should be done within a couple of days, I will post changelogs in here whenever they happen

very nice! i think i buy the script

Loving the idea of this - currently using project charmasos fuel management script.

Question regarding the gas station ownership… does an admin set up a location, then theres a buy/sell blip for a player to buy and own it? or how does that part of the script work?

Ideally i dont want staff having to set people as the owner and remove people as the owner as that causes work for them. player fully managed (ie ability to buy and sell at their desire) would be great!

Hey currently admin setup and sell gas stations as that was the suggestion people had.

However I can easily add an config option for admins to set a specified price a ped would appear and a blip that says “FOR SALE”

That way there’s something for people who want admins to sell them and people who want NPCs to sell them

Yea that would be fantastic!

Our staff have enough on their plate as it is, and we are actually switching away from a mechanic script that was similar, where it requires them to not only setup - but then continue to maintain who the boss is as they buy/sell the property.

So anything that adds to their plate, is a no no lol.

The ability for an admin to make the property - then from that point a player can then buy/sell it - perfect!

Just gotta make sure 2 players cant accidently buy the same gas station :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah for sure I can make that a config option, for the next update!

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Renewed Fuel 1.1.1


  • Added custom petrolcan gallons amount (You can now select how many gallons per durability a can can store)
  • Added petrolcan realistic weights, (REQUIRE INVENTORY EDITS ALREADY UPDATED ON DOCS). An empty petrolcan will weight differently from a full
  • Added Inventory hooks to make sure spawned petrolcans follow the custom weights and naming scheme (IF TURNED ON)
  • Refactored a bunch of older code

Great work :frog:

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Thank you

Renewed Fuel 1.1.2


  • Added Electric Vehicle support
  • Added native audio sound for when picking up a nozzle
  • Added native audio sound for when returning a nozzle
  • Added native audio sound for when fueling a vehicle

Any update on the ability for players to buy/sell the gas station without the need for admins once the gas station has been created?

This will be done within the next few days.

Renewed Fuel 1.1.3

  • Added the options for players to purchase Gas Stations without admin intervention
  • Fixed a error with trying to fuel on a newly made gas station
  • Added a few more admin commands when doing /gasstation

To have the ability for players to buy stations add the following to your server.cfg

# Make fuel stations purchaseable by players
setr fuel_buystations true

Upgrade yoru SQL by running the following query inside your SQL software such as HeidiSQL etc.

ALTER TABLE `gas_stations`
    ADD COLUMN `price` INT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `fuelpump`,
    ADD COLUMN `pedcoords` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT json_object() COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci' AFTER `price`;

I have also added installation guide and a new SQL inside documentation if you want to just Reinstall the script.

Renewed Fuel 1.1.4


  • Added SetStorage and GetStorage exports
  • Added a a closest statement to admin command do /gasstation true to open the closest gas station
  • Added a teleport button to gas station in the admin menu
  • Sorted the menus by price in select fuel menu