Renewed Fuel | ESX/QBCore/OX/QBox

Renewed Fuel 1.1.5


  • Added missing translations
  • Added blip scale to config
  • Added permission group to config

Can you consider supporting PS backpacks? I have been using this backpack for a long time, which makes me very uncomfortable

I do not support any other inventories than ox.

That will never change.

maybe build a bridge so we can adjust it to our needs

You can already adjust everything to your needs apart from inventory.

I will not support other inventories because 1. They are all very easily exploited, 2. They are unoptimized, and last but not least they do not offer any of the features necesarry to make fuel work on their inventories.

PS inventory casually does? As for the unoptimized comment in regards to QB at least OX is getting more and more incompatible and unoptimized with QB with each update and that’s also the plan from OX themselves. Don’t get me wrong I love OX but just not on QB. If you want to short yourself on sales that’s fine, someone will make a better script, that’s how it always happens, but when a vast majority of QB servers use QB Inventory and PS inventory over OX it speaks clear. The only thing I dislike about OX Inventory is the fact that it’s getting worse in regards to use on QB. Plus there aren’t any good NUI redesigns out there for sale for the inventory as it has an outdated look.

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Renewed Fuel 1.1.7


  • Added fuelType default to be current fuelType or ‘86’ if nil
  • Fixed some issues with getting/setting fuel via exports
  • Fixed an issue where transferring rig did not grant access to oil field
  • Added a isElectric export (check docs).
  • Added additional installation (can skip if using Renewed-Vehiclekeys)
  • Made sure EVs without statebags now get correct fuel type (100)
  • rewrote small parts of the fuel consumption to make fuel more responsive when going in * to new vehicles
  • Rewrote returning barrels to use Renewed-Lib stashshops
  • Fixed an issue where calculations for gas type amount would be incorrect.
  • Fixed an issue with unable to get other gas
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Not entirely true, Ox-inventory is the most used inventory in fivem for a good reason, most people just dont want to switch their entire server to use ox_inventory because stashes in qb are so poorly written its incompatible with ox_inventory.

I dont mind weather or not you buy my resources, however the ones that do can rest assure that there’s no exploits, dupes and other related qb issues such as memory leaks which cannot be said by most other creators.

and for the redesigns aspects, there are more redesigns than for qb-inventory just gotta look in the right places.

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Not any good ones is the issue…The redesign UIs that are currently available are severely outdated looking in regard to UI/UX design standards and are just hideous. As I said I can barely stand PS Inventory’s UI, but that’s the only thing I could find that I could stand. As for exploitation issues, don’t allow people like that in your city, you have whitelist for a reason and if you have a good admin/mod team it shouldn’t be an issue.

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Very subjective “good ones”, there are some that look identical to ps (which is based off np 3.5 or whatever), they are only outdated because ox_inventory actually does updates unlike other inventories.

And having a whitelisted community shouldn’t excuse you for having terrible exploitive code as that is about 5% of the entire FiveM community that is locked behind a allow/white list.

Regardless, those are just a few issues regarding why I do not touch other inventories they also do not have 1% of the features ox has such as metadata exports (You dont have to add stupid metadata urself), inventory hooks (you can add inventory functionality without editing inventory code), and so much more.

Not looking to debate weather or not why I don’t touch other Inventories I am sure most people will take a educated decision weather they use one inventory system or the other, and if they want to use any of my resources they just have to use ox_inventory.

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At the end of the day it’s all about what we like. I still appreciate what you do and you do have good scripts. Hell from everything I’ve seen and heard id recommend anyone to get your scripts, I was just clarifying that a majority of devs make there scripts compatible with a few of the most used inventories. That is all I was getting at, but as long as it makes you happy that’s all that matters.

Any chance you can add the ability for a player to charge the gas to their job society instead of paying out of pocket.

This can already be implemented yourself you just need to hook up to the remove money module, I do not plan to add support for 3 frameworks and 30 different society scripts.

Renewed Fuel 1.1.8


  • Fixed a issue where tanks wouldn’t save when fuel has been taken out
  • Fixed an error when logging out after changing oilfield values
  • Fixed employees rank not updating instantly
  • Fixed an issue that would occour when transfering a oilrig
  • Added a singular missing translation for “Fire Employee”

Do you know if this is working with qbox? We are a qbox, ox inventory server.

Yes it works for qbox

Ahh yes, someone with brain cells. I got cussed out in their discord today, for simply stating how it is misleading that renewed scripts advertises for qb support, yet they do NOT support any qb resources

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We compatible with qb-core, however we do not support all 80 qb resources no.

If you headover to any of our scripts it clearly states out a list of all dependencies for 100% transparency.

The reason we are not using qb-inventory is due to the fact it’s extremely insecure and any cheater can give themself whatever they wish, and apart from that, it lacks all the features you would need to make our resources possible without having you to edit your inventory resource.

Let’s back this up with some evidence, shall we?

I got cussed out in their discord today, for simply stating how it is misleading that renewed scripts advertises for qb support

You did’t just state it tho, did you? You joined, and started causing issues about our scripts being “misleading” when it clearly states on the Tebex what is, and what isnt supported.

yet they do NOT support any qb resources

And yet, we support qb resources. We support qb-core, which surprisingly, is a QBCore resource. On the tebex it clearly states it supports QBCore, ESX and Oxcore with a bright green tick. It also has a dark grey cross for qb-inventory and open source which means we dont support those specific resources. We don’t support qb-inventory because of the exploits, but we still support qb-core.

Hope this cleared up any confusion!


I own an anti cheat for a reason, and guess what it prevents? Remote lua execution. So how about hopping off your high-horse, and support a very commonly used QB resource?

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