[Releases] [Free] Cayo Perico Improvements Freeroam 4.2.2

Hey Tay! Hoping you may be able to help me solve a crash that is occurring with a number of people on our server. Seems to mainly happen in this area in specific, and it is always the same crash code (nine-fix-red). I am using Bob 74 IPL if there is any known conflict with that, however after looking through the list I couldn’t find any that would make sense.

We are using game build 2189, most recent server artifacts, dope island hopper & your cayo perico improvements 2.0. No other scripts involving the island.

I can not for the life of me figure out what is causing it. Any assistance would be very highly appreciated.

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@seawolph :thinking: That’s very strange! First thing I would try is commenting out the dope hopper. If you’re forcing your server build to 2189, you won’t need the hopper, because my resource now contains the natives. Unfortunately I’m still learning lua so I haven’t exactly figured out how to make the hanger consistent, but I found deleting the cache and restarting the resource seemed to work so perhaps it needs something to check every few seconds or something, I’m not entirely sure…

As for conflicts, I’d check to see if you have the aircraft carrier commented out possibly?

Does the crash happen near a shed, located at one of the docks? :thinking:

Another thing I would maybe try, is keep the hopper, but remove my 2.0 version, delete the server cache for it, and try the previous version :thinking: I’ll have to test the latest version with no other resources/scripts running and see if there’s anything funny going on.

@TomsenJohnsen Aah! Yeah I wondered what was causing the weird grass bug! :thinking: Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

A few people have requested that I have the doors swing open but I thought, I’ll try replicate the GTA Online cutscene, hence they’re opened and static like that. I’m not really a fan of having to bump the doors open with a vehicle or run into them on foot.

I just updated codewalker recently too, so I’ll try my luck at redoing that ymap!

Hey @TayMcKenzieNZ! Trying out CayoImprovements3.2 and some other changes… how do I remove the vehicles that spawn? We have our own spawner so I don’t want them to stack. Thanks again for all your help, seriously man!

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No problem! Hopefully 3.2 fixes some issues. I had to add some ugly containers near a boat dock area, as I had removed something but the invisible collision was still there, so had to put something there to stop people driving into “nothing”.

I believe there’s a folder called cw which is for codewalker project, if you open the project in codewalker you can remove/edit the vehicle spawns, or just open all the ymaps in codewalker and change the selection thing to car generator and you’ll see a bunch of boxes around the island. You can click them and delete. There’s quite a few unfortunately :grimacing:, I basically added a bunch of my own but also made the existing vehicle spawns high priority.

If it’s still crashing in your server, unfortunately it may be due to a collision issue near that shed that has the truck spawning in it, at one of the docks.

Oh, also, unrelated to this resource but a neat little thing a friend of mine informed me of; if you right click the FiveM icon on your PC, and add “-b2189” to the target field, it will load the FiveM client up into that build. Therefore you don’t see that “transitioning to a different build” screen. Everyone else will also have to do this, but it’s neat nonetheless.

Any server that isn’t 2189, you’ll transition back to.

I see that the panther has finally been released in GTA Online. If you want to set the panther inside the cabinet, open entityset.lua :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey man awesome job! One issue I’ve ran into is there is a collision next to the hanger.

Maybe from [MLO] Cayo Perico Shops

and also here https://i.imgur.com/49SFqJZ.jpeg


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@Pinky896 it might be left over from the petrol tank thing. I have the Cayo Perico shops in my server so I personally haven’t experienced that weird collision. That area looks a little bland and empty without the shops. Do you have an older version of my resource? Try 3.2 and I’ll have a look at that area and figure out what’s happening there. Nice hud by the way :smirk:

Pretty sure this is unneeded now a days. I think at some point they added it so it keeps whatever build you loaded last(I don’t have that argument in my shortcut and I haven’t seen transitioning build unles I’m for some reason going to lower build).

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Hi @Pinky896, I’ve just had a chance to jump on my PC and open up the codewalker project; Yes, it appears a collision file from the Cayo Perico Shops has wrongfully made it’s way into this resource. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I have looked in the collision files and found it and have now removed it. I hope to release a 3.3 soon, however in the meantime, open the folder called ybn and remove h4_islandairstrip_12.ybn :stuck_out_tongue:

download the latest version of codewalker from their discord server

Will do!

You can also fix the collision issue that Pinky bought up by removing the h4_islandairstrip_12.ybn file

can confirmed this fixed the weird grass bug. Might just delete the doors, the point of this resource was to allow access to the main compound, so I opened the doors that are by default, shut.

Awesome thank you, could you make a release without the Car spawns?
Good Work!

also no collision here https://i.imgur.com/bEH65rl.jpg

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:thinking: Unfortunately I can’t fix that collision, that’s a bug. there’s also another collision issue that I can’t really fix near the docks, so I’m just gonna have to fence it off unfortunately. as for releasing a version with car spawns, I don’t have any plans to do that. You can remove them via codewalker cargen option and delete all the boxes on the island.

Unfortunatly I don’t have the knowledge to do that :confused: