[RELEASE] [YMAP] WORKING Traffic Lights at Panorama/East Joshua (+ Street Lights)

Today I am releasing my first public resource for FiveM!

You always hate the stupid drivers at the intersection of Panorama and E Joshua? Always running the stop sign or driving in front of others? Well now you can fix that!

This resource is WORKING traffic lights for the intersection of Panorama Drive and East Joshua Road in Sandy. (it also includes streetlights throughout Sandy Shores if you want those too) AI Traffic will also stop when the light is red!

There are 2 downloads available. One with all the streetlights and the traffic lights, and one with just the traffic lights.

Hope you guys enjoy it! Please feel free to give feedback. :slight_smile:


I don’t experience frame drops with these traffic lights at night.


All Lights: sandylights (ALL LIGHTS).zip (30.3 KB)
Just Traffic Lights: sandylights (JUST TRAFFIC LIGHTS).zip (19.2 KB)

Install Instructions

Just extract the sandylights folder into your resources folder (or subfolder in resources)!


Nice work, works well.

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Seems a lot like this script

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Imma be honest I did not know that was a thing. I had done this while ago and never got around to posting it since I took a break from FiveM.

This is 100% my own, I went through the work finding the proper nodes for the intersection. Plus adding every single street light individually.

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rip fps

All good man. Just letting you know, not trying to bring hate or anything. Nice work :+1:t2:

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Are you experiencing FPS drops with the streetlights? I haven’t experienced much even with all of them on at night. Maybe a tiny one at some point but not much.

You also don’t have to use the streetlights.

Let me know if you are.

Lol I’m the dev that made the one referred to in this particular comment. Let me say…from one traffic light “engineer” to another…I feel your pain…haha is it just me or were the nodes a real pain in the ass in some intersections? I personally never got the overpass at Route 68 and Highway 13 to work properly. Those nodes were a total mess there.

They were.

I’m trying to get my stop lights to work as well.