[Release] xnTrafficLights (Standalone)


Menu to create and control traffic lights. Open the menu with /traffic


Copy xnTrafficLights to your resources folder and add start xnTrafficLights to your server.cfg


Everything you’d need to change can be changed in client/config.lua

Or if you want to add restrictions to opening the menu then check in server.lua where the command is added

Download and Source



You forgot the download, lol.

oh shit haha adding it now

this will come in handy hehe

Bro this is awesome good work all around can’t wait to use this to redesign the flow of the street life in the city keep up the great work!

Very good and fantastico.

This on places where they dont expect it, in combination of a speedcam, is awesome for server economy.
Nice work smallo!

Thank you for this… about a year ago I was looking into traffic lights and could not figure out how to turn the lights on on them. So this will be amazing.

Looks really cool

what coordinate script is that?

is there a way we can change the code to have the custom made stop lights to cycle through its stages like any normal traffic light in gta?

Nice script! Does it save so after restarting server, it keep it?

When I tested it no it does not save any changes u make

No it’s not designed to do that, this is mainly make for temporarily stopping traffic

maybe an idea to implement a persistent traffic light thats still there after a reboot by storing the traffic lights spawned in a json file, and loading that on resource start :stuck_out_tongue:

Just an idea for a future release.

Nah not the intention of this script

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Can you get in contact with me somehow. I have a great idea and you are the first person to actually do something that ive been requesting for years on my channel. I love this

is it possible to the traffic light to change automatic every certain amount of time ? also the traffic light dissapear when i walk away from it.

Again, not the purpose of this script, the purpose is to manually control the lights. And I guess if you comment out line 114 SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(Config.TrafficLightProp) then that’d should stop the light from disappearing.

You can reply here, I don’t do private stuff and don’t want to dev a server so anything you want to say you can say here.