[Release]WeaponOnBack v0.3.6 (with Tint/Components)

fantastic job, just one question, how to fix if you only have for example a shotgun when you put it in your hand you can still see it on the back, and how to adjust to - from 0 when you wear jackets it stays inside the clothes.

so it defaults to 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 to set it further back and further down it won’t let me set -0.5 or other.

This glitch might or might not fix, it is not a obvious glitch that will affect the script.

Have you tried to use /wob pos with negative number (eg: /wob pos -0.1 -0.1 -0.1) ? It should be set with negative number but I haven’t tested that.
Offset will be saved and stream across clients.

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and the offset should tweak by yourself / player themselves, since everyone not using the same skin

fixed, thanks if it was -0.1 but I’ll leave it default

Nvm, when adjusting offset, must provide pos or rot and x, y and z to construct, as you can see in the second video in this topic

Please provide more detail, I can’t tell anything from this video :frowning:

Server/Client version, and log file from client

For a good bug report you should probably include:

  1. Client (production/canary) and FXServer version
  2. What you expected to happen
  3. What actually happens
  4. Category of bug (eg. client, server, weapons, peds, native)
  5. Reproducible steps, preferably with example script(s)
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So have a few questions, How do i disable certain weapons from being affected? for example we use a holster script and would like pistols, throwables and melee weapons unaffected. Also how do i reset this through chat? We still see the weapon being slung after its in hand. And lastly is there a position cap? im trying to set the weapon to be slung in front of a vest but cant seem to get the y coord to work past 9.0 or the x to go lower than -0.1

Currently not configurable, will add in recent release.

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This is a known glitch when player only have one weapon, or when using something like esx-based inventory?
For the first glitch, might be fix in future release,
Add esx inventory support would be tedious since it would impact runtime efficiency a lot. (I’m not a fan of esx and heard about it just making frequent change in database)

Currently, use /wob pos x y z, or /wob rot x y z

I set a hard cap of position which offset should not bigger than 0.3.

Thanks for report, it confirmed it’s a bug, will be fix in next release


weapon-on-back-v0.3.6 (2021-03-24)

  • Bugfix: Weapon still slung after its in hand when switching from unarmed (reported by @John-Marcab)
  • Bugfix: Attach offset cannot be set to negative (reported by @Django_1)

Bug fixed, thanks for the report :slight_smile:

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you ever find a solution to this? I am also using weapons as DB items with a hotkey bar instead of scroll menu.

no. it doesnt work for me with weapons as items

How can I disable jerry can?


  • local_interval_ms - Relative to local refresh rate
  • network_interval_ms - Relative to network refresh rate

i think it doesnt work

Nice Releases
how can i disable some weapon like pistols or a special weapon like knife to show on back?

Any hint on that?