[Release] vRP Framework

It’s permissions and, you need to add an s

I’m with this error

Can anyone explain how to enable whitelist? everyone seems to be able to join my server without permission

Sometimes you just want to add useless but fun things into your projects.
So, now it’s possible to create and trade cards in vRP using https://github.com/ImagicTheCat/vRP-TCG .

If people are interested in this extension and in making cards for the base repository (to have a good number of cards for every servers), let me know.

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Hi Imagic , what is exactly TCG ???
I you speack about car card but wich car !?

Thank you

None of the jobs at the job center work. How can people make money? Also there is no weed field or anything. Is there a vrp job script out there?

anyone else getting this error

Failed to get instance for guid a7242855-0350-4cb5-a0fe-61021e7eafaa and iid 567634c6-3bdd-4d0e-af39-7472aed479b7: System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element


  at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source, System.Func`2[T,TResult] predicate) [0x00011] in <48501e5f32e8491e924f8b8beae3e4f6>:0 


  at CitizenFX.Core.RuntimeManager.CreateObjectInstance (System.Guid guid, System.Guid iid) [0x00014] in C:\gl\builds\4ff63adb\0\cfx\fivem\code\client\clrcore\RuntimeManager.cs:39 

I have been receiving that error since i started my server but it has never seemed to affect anything.

that error seems to cause a things like skater and sessionmanger to fail to load for me

And that nor the error occurs without vrp?

it always seems to start after adding vrp
then it stays after deleting vrp

How can I get the animation here ??

name="Body training", -- menu name
r=255,g=125,b=0, -- color
radius=7.5, height=1.5, -- area
recipes = {
  ["Strength"] = { -- action name
    description="Increase your strength.", -- action description
    in_money=0, -- money taken per unit
    out_money=0, -- money earned per unit
    reagents={}, -- items taken per unit
    products={}, -- items given per unit
    aptitudes={ -- optional
      ["physical.strength"] = 1 -- "group.aptitude", give 1 exp per unit


This code has nothing to do with animations.

What do you mean they are not working? What are you expecting to happen? Does it let you select the job? Note that by default there is no prompt to tell you that “you are now a …” it just does it. You get paid every 5 minutes. Try becoming a bank driver then going to pacific standard in rockford hills and starting the job there.

And vRP does not have a weed field. Just a drug dealer job by Vespucci.

Hey guys I have a question about the ID system.
When people join the server they get an session ID but this ID can’t be used to give them perms or kick for example. Is there a way to set there session ID to be usefull?


hit f9 go to admin go to user list. use that list to set the permissions

How can I get the animation here ??

name=“Body training”, – menu name
r=255,g=125,b=0, – color
radius=7.5, height=1.5, – area
recipes = {
[“Strength”] = { – action name
description=“Increase your strength.”, – action description
in_money=0, – money taken per unit
out_money=0, – money earned per unit
reagents={}, – items taken per unit
products={}, – items given per unit
aptitudes={ – optional
[“physical.strength”] = 1 – “group.aptitude”, give 1 exp per unit

I saw it on a server vrp

Hello, everybody can i get admin with vRP ?

Hey, is it possible to bind F6 - to open the inventory menu? Cause i’m kinda struggling at the moment with it. Here is my code (client.lua) - I have a server.lua with Tunnel, Proxy modules in it.

	while true do
                if isControlPressed(1, 167) then --Btn "E" Pressed

Hope someone can help me out here! :slight_smile:

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