[Release]VORP Core RolePlay Gamemode

VORP: Roleplay Framework

Website: vorpcore.com

GitHub Organization: Official Repositories

GitHub Core: Download Core

Documentation: API Docs for Devs

What is VORP

It is a Framework for RedM for Roleplay servers and it is very simililar to Red Dead Redemption 2.
VORP has a great quality and it is very well optimized, desingned for One-Sync Infinity, using the Red Dead Redemption 2 Online Natives.

CEO Developer: @ATZCompany
Developers Team: @rubi216, @xmau, @alejandro_avila_marc

Features & Repositories

  • Powerfull API for devs (LUA, C#, JS) :snail:
  • Character Creator Like MP Creator (With a lot of customization options and unique entrance to the world) :man_dancing:
  • Interface for Money, Gold and Rol :moneybag:
  • Metabolism System (If you eat some chocolate your character will get fatter) :chocolate_bar:
  • Weapon Stores (With some animations and visual components)
  • Clothing Stores (With visual props and a cinematic entrance)
  • Item Stores (With the Buy & Sell options)
  • Inventory (With Money, Weapons with unique components and all types of ammo, Bullet packages)
  • Stables (With visual props, Fully customizable horses with unique names, and all types of carriages)
  • Admin Menu (With the Basic and Typical functionalities and special functions like Thor)

All the scripts have great quality and have translation for three languages (Spanish, English and French, still working on the french translation) and we are looking into translating them to other languages with help from the community.

A video is worth more than a thousand words

Character Creator: :man_dancing:

Weapon Store:

Clothing Store:


Item Store:

All this is what we have created, but we are developing more scripts and anyone can create scripts in C#, LUA and JS with VORP Core and is free to release it!

This proyect could not have been possible without the resources of @Vespura & @zr0iq | MenuAPI, Ghmattimysql | Redemrp_Respawn based on his respawn/death system. | Redemrp_inventory


I think you posted in the wrong section, since this section here is for FiveM?

Wrong section my guy :slight_smile:

That’s really nice, I was looking for a completely playable gamemode for testing purpose

I have one suggestion for you: could you use native prompts to display possible actions instead using subtitle ?
For example, someone released this:

Currently if you could implement the only thing you should edit the source code

This is a good release for community! I hope this does not turn into a semblance esx and vrp, it will be sad.

its awesome, just wish there was a lawmen script with it :smiley:

How to solve :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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check if you have set in your server config the mysql connection (if you have set go to ghmattimysql and delete the config file)

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This is awesome!!!



are you guys mental this isnt FiveM its RedM lay off the crack.


already working on it being vrp LOL

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Why do you say that?

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This is the first best release I’ve seen in a while. On FiveM, we were not able to implement a good and well-developed system for creating a character (it is in open sources for General access)


im stucked in loading screen any fix please ?

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Did you deleted the Config file in ghmattimysql and ensured it in the server.cfg?

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yes i did

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huh, the character system lacks eyebrow and eye settings, otherwise the character looks very creepy :smiley:

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It will be implemented in a future update


Good shit dude. Has gave me some inspiration for RDR2 again