[RELEASE] v2: Fix holes and customize the map

Do you have any one that works ? I’ll apreciate it

This error has come about since the recent FiveM update.


I’m having an issue getting the meth lab to the upgraded version.

I’ve updated the “meth.lua” to show this:

LoadDefault = function()
BikerMethLab.Details.Enable(BikerMethLab.Details.production, false)

But it’s still showing as empty, not sure what I’m doing wrong. I followed the instructions on the wiki but it’s not changing, cleared cache to server multiple times.

Any help appreciated.

we love you bob, please update more dlc, i heard rumors of a February update any thing to that?

hi guys somebody can help me with close the door of the bikers with doorlock? i tried every props but without success can somebody help me? thx


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Hello, I Changed the Organization Name of the Offices.

But now every Office has this.

Can I Change this so that only the LomBank Office has this?

Unfortunately, that’s the Rockstar way.

If you want to only have one office with the name, you need to disable the organization all the time and only enable it when a player enters the office.
It’s easy to do if you use a teleporter to enter the office since you just need to Enable the organization for the teleporter that let you come in and Disable for the teleporter that let you out.

Otherwise you can also check the current interior ID of the player with a loop and you enable the organization only if he is inside the LomBank.
Here is the list of the LomBank office interiors ids wich depends of the interior style:

warm interiorId = 240897
classical interiorId = 241153
vintage interiorId = 241409
contrast interiorId = 241665
rich interiorId = 241921
cool interiorId = 242177
ice interiorId = 242433
conservative interiorId = 242689
polished interiorId = 242945

It converted this to fxmanifest to use with the new updates but it gives me a metadata error.

nevermind i got it to work.

My doors of zancudo cant oppen can u help me pls?

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The same happens to me!!

They are closed by default, you can remove them using this piece of code:
Correction: they are opened by default. It must either come from another resource or you called ZancudoGates.Close() somewhere in your code.

Update 2.0.9
Use the new manifest format ( fxmanifest.lua )
Added ferris wheel

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My code of zancudo gates is
– Zancudo Gates (GTAO like): -1600.30100000 2806.73100000 18.79683000

exports(‘GetZancudoGatesObject’, function()
return ZancudoGates

ZancudoGates = {
Gates = {
Open = function()
EnableIpl(“CS3_07_MPGates”, false)

LoadDefault = function()


and in the code of zancudo_gates.lua i have this
– Zancudo Gates (GTAO like): -1600.30100000, 2806.73100000, 18.79683000

If this is the code you got, it is incomplete. The Close() method is missing.
Remove your current bob74_ipl folder and replace it with the latest version.

The gates are disabled by default:

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I added your most recent ipl, but it now has Oneil farm turn invisible?

I didn’t change anything related to the Oneil.

Looks good to me:

Check your other resources if they interact with these IPL.

I installed last version of your script but when i teleport into Pillbox hospital there’s nothing (with openinteriors.asi I actually spawned correctly), how can I solve it?

are you running north yankton too? it makes the farm disappear