[RELEASE] v2: Fix holes and customize the map

awesome!!! thx for this

how i can remove these blips?

So we managed to get the farm to show again, but now the Farm is causing extreme texture loss. When we go int the Farm and then come back outside the map is see through or shows extremely low qualities.

Is there a way to change the locatie of the maps. Because weed, meth, coke, moneywash is all detected by cheaters…

This keeps showing up in my cmd after ensuring the resource.

Warning: Resource bob74_ipl does not specify an `fx_version` in fxmanifest.lua.
Couldn't start resource bob74_ipl.

Download the latest version.

I downloaded it yesterday. But I will do it again

ya it still says the same thing sir. Do I have to have an fx server or is this standalone?

That’s odd.
You downloaded bob74_ipl-2.0.9.zip?

The resource works on its own but is only compatible with the fx servers provided by FiveM.

Edit: you may need to update your fx server since the resource specify the latest fx_version in it fxmanifest file

ok I will try to update it. Thanks for the help sir

Thanks so much for the release! Sorry to bother, but I had a question. Is there any way to remove the arena IPL without causing problems? We use the aircraft carrier quite a bit and have a problem with flying into the invisible interior of the arena. We would really like to move it, or if that’s not an option then remove it completely. Thanks in advance for all of your hard work.

This resource doesn’t add the arena, you must have another one that does.
However, you can still disable the arena by calling RemoveIpl(ipl_name) on the arena IPL.

The IPLs that should be removed are:


Thank you so much for the reply, I really appreciate you taking the time. Stay healthy!

when player join the server spwan underground fly on empty space then finaly go on the surface
what is the problem?

what about this one is it only me or anyone else got that ? (its on the highway below the overpass)

how i can remove these blips?

These aren’t added by this resource.
Look for another resource that calls AddBlipForCoord.

there are 100 of resources that call that , i check them all , nothing found that call those coords

Do you use vMenu or any / admin / permission menu ? Prebuild ?
Those one do that, especially vMenu.

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every mlo i try to add to my server just leaves a hole in map no interior ymaps work but mlo’s dont i have latest version of bob anyone help ?