Banned & Closed topic, Stolen Script
The best part is that the original script isn’t even for 5R
Original post
Here is a script that allows you to go to a spot on the map and become a (3.7 KB)
Here is a script that allows you to go to a spot on the map and become a (3.7 KB)
is this for essentialmode or just anything?
Another amazing idea for a gamemode, kudos to you man!
it doesn’t work on my server, no spot on map
Game crashes when I join using this, very nice idea though
ill try fixing it, wish me luck. And thanks it is a good idea and no its nothing to do with essentialmode, its jsut a resource for ppl who want to roleplay
I tried again after removing some unused resources, it does load now without crashing, just dont see any markers
Which resources were conflicting?
I had some unloaded recources in the recources folder I no longer used, like addoncars and whitelistip. I removed them from the folder and after doing that it loaded truckerjob fine.
Thanks! I’ll try this mod tonight. Thanks for another nice mod @cody196.
your welcome, this is only an alpha version though so expect bugs maybe but i will keep it updated to the best i can
btw to those who wanna help with the scripting go to my github at
I loaded the blips to find the location like this in a serperate resource
local blip1 = AddBlipForCoord(338, 345, 36)
SetBlipSprite(blip1, 67)
local blip2 = AddBlipForCoord(602.9446, 275.0546, 104.37)
SetBlipSprite(blip2, 67)
On location nothing happens either, tried with and without a truck
hmm i might have wrote the script wrong maybe? did i miss anything?
where is this “spot” ? I found the cords in the script but have no way of changing that around to a location. Screenshots to your main post would be helpfull
The reason this doesn’t work, is because this and RollWindows script that cody “wrote” were copied from a Live Stream, and they weren’t finished when he “wrote” them. You can tell by him asking everyone to help him, and doesn’t know if its even coded properly.
Doesn’t work for me either.
I changed the location to
local TruckingCompagny = {{-7.100, -0.300, 73.077}}
local TruckingTrainer = {{-9.300, 2.030, 73.110}}
also the GUI.spawntrainer() and
if( GetDistanceBetweenCoords( coords.x, coords.y, coords.z,-7.100, -0.300, 73.077, false ) < **25** ) then
seems like the GUI.tick() are never called…
Best Regards
Well well…
How do you get this to work? I went to the locations and nothing