yes i added, now i leave the code

awesome HUD everything is clear for the readme. thanks for sharing the HUD.

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Thats kinda bad cause there will be christmass for example and we will use xmass snow,but ingame time is 20.5.2019

EDIT: + I have 20.5.2019 and my friend have 23.5.2019 sooo…

Speedometer is included?

Yes, It is.

Yeah. Like I told you, since day and night go fast in game, it makes sense to use the game/server time. You can only use “real time” if you capture the time of the user’s computer through javascript (google javascript date) and setting it directly on the app.js.

But probably there are javascript libraries out there that get the time externally. :slight_smile:

I removed it because I didn’t see any place that you could “refuel” a helicopter, and most of the cases, they were spawned with random fuel values.

I coded in a way that, if you’re not in a “car” or a “motorcycle”, you won’t get some stuff on the speedometer. Look it up on my client.lua and add the stuff you want.

But the ingame date, isnt synced with all players, as i said i see “Today is 25.5.2019” and my friend in same time see “Today is 27.5.2019”

Well, open the client.lua and look for the function called trewDate()

You will see that the way that I get the date is using the default caller for each part of the date (day, month, year, etc). I didn’t do anything besides that and never seen it happening on either tests or the servers that I was the dev partner.


SerĂĄ possivel adaptar este hud para funcionar com o novo plugin de combustivel o FrFuel+ ?([Release] FRFuel+ (Mobile Fuel Trucks & Fuel for Helicopters))

where can i change the money dirtymoney bank icon?

The time does not work for me. It sais: 21.jan.2013
Im on a Windows Root with German Language.

As said before, the time isn’t the REAL time, it’s the game server’s time.

Food & Thirst doesnt seem to work on VRP, everything else works perfectly!
By the way, how can i edit the Money/Black Money/Bank Money symbols/images ?

Great release!

what code do you want to add please what I try in server.lua and ui.html but it does not work can you help me please

Can you add function to Toggle on/off all hud or maybe parts, like /togglehud /togglespeedo and etc. That would be awesome, also, why Planes and other vehicles doesn’t have seatbelt/fuel and other functions?

There’s a /toogleui command. Read the instructions. :slight_smile:

There a lot of bugs in the vRP version, but thank you so much for sharing it!!!

100+ points for you!

Can you tell me which ones? I’ve tested on the Dunko VRP servers and it worked 100%

@VortisRD , see what i wrote before. :slight_smile: