I did. If your VRP servers have a different way of setting up food and thirst, I suggest you modify the hud for your needs.
If you download the VRP version of the HUD, open the server.lua and you will see the vRP.getHunger() and vRP.getThirst() functions. They are native from VRP. If they are not working, I suspect it’s something on your server.
As about changing icons, I use a icon font pack called FontAwesome. I don’t use images. I would just look on FontAwesome’s website, copy the code for the icon you want and replace it inside ui.html.
If you want to do deeper changes, I can’t help you with that.
I appreciate your answer! Thx for sharing how to change the icons, as for the Hunger and Thirst im using the VRP functions, i did not change them, if i find a fix ill warn you!
Yeah, I noticed that. I fixed it and uploaded on Github. Thanks! To disable it, go to the vrp folder and look for the survival module (or the UI module) and see if you can disable from there.
And the voice doesn’t work only with one sync. It is working with the default fivem voice stuff.
Did you modify the HTML or delete any lines in any way? That like corresponds to the money part of the HUD and that error occurs when the HTML portion of it is not found.
ESX Version still have the same issue.
The vehicle HUD is working fine, BUT all others ( Player info, microphone, weapon ) do not display. of curse i did follow every instructions, i tried with everything on true and everything on false, just nothing happen.
The version that I have here is working and it’s the same I uploaded. And if you see this post:
You can see that I disabled the voice and it was disabled. I enabled it later and it worked. For the sake of this error, I uploaded the client.lua and hansolo.lua again on the ESX version. Download it again and try it again.