I found the issues fix. I have this issue to. I fix it.

You need open ui.html and all display:none replace with display:block then it is working.

I fix it like that. Idk maybe dont work but try.

same problem with me to. lastest version of fivem server.

Hi. Does anyone have a CSS file where the HUD which is originally in the top right, is then located top left? Also, how can I change the $ icon for my wallet to something else like R ?

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I have radar set to false in the config so it only shows in vehicles, how do I remove the normal in game health and armor bar below the map now? I tried using the b2k minimap thing and it does nothing.

does anyone has a trew hud ui version for 2jobs? i have the esx and society but still missing a workable trew hud ui

Can anyone help me? I go in and I am default skin


so i followed the instructions, is there a reason why i cant see the hud of jobs, money, bank and all that stuff? it only shows the gas and speedometer when im in car but i cant see the rest here is a picture of my problem i also have no errors in my console https://gyazo.com/3b652f8169f60088235d0fd85d5f3a2f

hello i have done that but it still didn’t show up in the hud, what did i do wrong?

Using this on every server i build

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hello, i didnt see it in the forum, but the logo i only can disable trough ui.html put it on none instead of block else it doesnt work. thats fine for me but my question is how do i get the rest of the ui more to the top?

ty in advance


Check the main.css file, you need to edit some top margin values there, .info.server .info.player most likely.

could you share the css?

ok ty , maybe you know how to make the original circel icons into square icons?

Hi, so im trying to change the controls for the turn signals so for the hazards I put backspace what do I put for left and right signal heres what I want
Left Signal: -
Right Singal: =

I tried to put that in config and the backspace for hazards work but the left and right signal does not work.

I use es_extended 1 final… i tried to move trew hud from css file but it doesn’t move ??

it is on what line

Any idea how to fix this -

SCRIPT ERROR: @trew_hud_ui/server/server.lua:19: attempt to index a nil value (field ‘org’)

Hello, good morning, install the hud as indicated and when you enter it does not appear, it only appears in the car and as a symbol of society’s money. How could I solve it?

inside main.css check for .icon I would remove this part: border-radius: 100px;