[Release] SuperMarket / Stores UI [PAID] [ESX / QBCore / VRP / Standalone]

Is there anyway to change this code

while true do

    local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)

    local pos = GetEntityCoords(ped)


    local closest, dist, position = closestStore()

    if dist < radius_coord then

        if not openned then


            openned = true


    elseif dist < 50.0 then

        pos_close = position

        marker = stores[closest].marker

        drawn_marker = true

        openned = false


        drawn_marker = false                    

        pos_close = nil

        marker = nil

        openned = false





so that i instead need to press e in order to open the shop?

Hi, I’m going to privately send the file with this edited to press E

wrote you a message regarding the store script again :wink: :heart:

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Update 2.0

  • A new version has been added: QBCore

hi if i buy the script have any script support?

Hello ! shore, you can contact us here or by email legendaryteam.fivem@gmail.com :smiley:

ok i will buy later

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Hi , i already buying the script all is working but can u help me how to using ped and press ‘E’ to open the menu? ty

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We will help you in pivate :smiley:

I bought your script back in December and sent you an email to your address provided in the script file and it bounced saying there is no email address. I confirmed the email both there and on here and is the same.

Is this an issue? Is there another way I can contact you for some support please?

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This is our email, please try again : legendaryteam.fivem@gmail.com

Sent again, you might need to check your junk folder as your using Gmail and I am using a personalized domain name that google send to junk sometimes.


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Found you, sorry about that, we we will answer you :slight_smile:


Yes I got your email and have replied thank you.

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This script costs 35€ in usd right?

No, the script costs approximately 18 USD not including fees
Is there showing more than that to you?

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My bad, sorry. Yes it’s 18usd

Another question. Is it responsive?

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Yes, it’s responsive and the supermarket stays in proportion to most screens :slight_smile:

Is this just a UI, or an entire shop script? And if its not already, could you do a player owned store with this UI?

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It’s a whole store script, but this is the static version, where players go to the store and just buy items (which are defined in the Config.lua file).

If you want a script where players can own the store, you can look at our other script:

We use the same interface, but we’ve added several features where the player can buy a store and manage it. These stores are not just Supermarket, you can create other stores however you like. :slight_smile: