[Release] Street Label

me too

The new UI looks really ugly, anyone have a older version?

the label comes up super big, is there a way to resize it?

This is weird it wont open??
It says that it has started the resource but it didn’t.

Could anyone help me?

get in a car

how u do that disable the street names above the map ?

What do you mean?

how can remove this name above the mini map ? FiveM 2_3_2021 6_41_43 PM (2)

i need it like this Captasure.PNG

@lowheartrate The config.cfg dosent work??

if ur using dunko vrp like i am its in the resources/CustomScripts/cfg/config.lua

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config lua edit size do in small number play with it

i have the vechile as false and true still doesnt show outside a car

not working :frowning:

When I set the “check vehicle” thing to false it doesn’t work how can I set it so It can be seen when out of a vehicle?

What happened to the old look? Is there a download link because the new one is ugly. No disrespect.


Is there a way I can change the font to the original? It’s too bulky and ugly for me.

Of course you can. It’s CSS

streetLabel/style.css at master ¡ codibez/streetLabel ¡ GitHub + line one as well of course

Oh, thank you!

Yep, go to Releases ¡ codibez/streetLabel ¡ GitHub and download 0.1