[Release][Standalone] Vape Script

Appreciate it has been a while since your comment, but after giving this mod a try, I think I have found the offending bit of code and how to fix it.

On line 213 of cl-vape.lua is:

TaskPlayAnim(ped, ad, “exit”, 8.00, -8.00, -1, (2 + 16 + 32), 0.00, 0, 0, 0)

Which I think is locking the camera when getting in a vehicle in first person.

If you comment out that line, and add “ClearPedSecondaryTask(ped)” beneath it instead, it should work fine (it will remove the vape pen as intended when entering a vehicle), without messing up the first person cam.

Here is my full function (note the commented-out line):

function PlayerIsEnteringVehicle()
IsPlayerAbleToVape = false
local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
local ad = “anim@heists@humane_labs@finale@keycards”
–TaskPlayAnim(ped, ad, “exit”, 8.00, -8.00, -1, (2 + 16 + 32), 0.00, 0, 0, 0)