Relaxed Society Developments This script was made by Silence (…Myself…) Do not re-release without my permissions Modify for you own needs! Comes with a Configuration file! Standalone Script!
About Section
Well, It’s a script so you can …Vape… that’s it, Also has a chance to explode in your face (you can change the odds in the Config file.), If you have any questions just ask me via the comment section below.
Download the resource …obviously…Sil-Vape.rar (3.9 KB)
Extract "Sil-Vape" folder into your "resources" folder
Add "start Sil-Vape" to your "server.cfg"
(re)Start your server, or start the resource via console.
Controls / How to use
Use "/vape start" to enable the key binds
Use "/vape stop" to disable the key binds.
Once key binds are active use the following to start vaping like all the cool kids.
Take a vape hit = Hold “E”
Reset your arms to rest position = Hold “G”
you can you say me how to code to change an item, i fine but if restart the server not work please i saw that its posible, but I don’t know how to do it right