[Release] [Standalone] Target Tracking

the default key is alt

Can you please give tell me how you did it i am confused, can you show my your code here so i can understand it

Hi . I always get this error then restarting the server and try to test the resourse

any one know how to fix it ??

And yes using ESX

did you solve it ??

Yes I did

can you tell me ?

Just edit client side

I have tested most things but can not get i right! How did you do it ?

Just changed the job check in the client youj can figure it out

Like i said. i have try like every thing ! can you share on how you did it ?
i have it like this now

I dont have the time rn

when do you think you have the time to share it with me and the Community ?

I dont know.

Is there a way to use the AddTargetModel inside of a AddBoxZone?
So it only triggers the models inside that specific zone?

I think just remove the job check from the script you are calling

i need the job check :stuck_out_tongue: but all is good now

i did this



local pos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
local vehicle = GetClosestVehicle(pos[ā€˜xā€™], pos[ā€˜yā€™], pos[ā€˜zā€™], 5.001, 0, 70)
if DoesEntityExist(vehicle) then
ā€“ do_something

hello bro query, where goes that line of bt-target you could help me pls

does it work with qbu?

ESX. i can get it to show but how do i trigger it

where do we put the code do we put it in the bt system folder or do we make a new one
i wanna add it to cars