[Release] [Standalone] Target Tracking

Maybe a child menu option?

Other then that, great release.

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local Bones = {}
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Fixed, sorry about that.

I have an problem i can’t trigger event and I don’t really know what i did wrong
here some pics
Ty for help

Okay i fixed it

just needed to add job value there

It would be interesting if it was possible to show/hide an option depending on a condition. Example:

When i go near an ATM it show 2 options:

  • Use
  • Rob (Only shows if i have a specific item)

btw, Good job!

Its actually easy. Are you using vRP or ESX?

I’m using ESX

Are the jobs supposed to look like this? Also is there a way to disable jobs?

Config.NonEsxJob = function()

local PlayerJob = 


    name = all

    name = blank

    name = police


return PlayerJob


you have convert this to qbcore ?

Hello, I have a problem that when I look at the car everything works, but when I take my eye out of the car it disappears and doesn’t work anymore (doesn’t appear)

Anyone know how to make it do commands? (/e mechanic, /duty)

Not sure how I’d fill in the “RegisterNetEvent(“event”), AddEventHandler(“event”, function(), and TriggerServerEvent()”

this is the only one I got working. The others had a problem with “TriggerClientEvent”

local basketball = {
AddTargetModel(basketball, {
options = {
event = “basketDel”,
icon = “fas fa-basketball-ball”,
label = “Store Ball”,
job = {“all”},
distance = 2.5

AddEventHandler(“basketDel”, function()
local closestEntity, closestEntityDistance = GetClosestObjectOfType(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), 1.5, GetHashKey(‘prop_bskball_01’), false, false, false)
local closestEntityDistance = #(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) - GetEntityCoords(closestEntity))
if GetEntityModel(closestEntity) == GetHashKey(‘prop_bskball_01’) and closestEntityDistance <= 1.5 then

function DeleteBasketball(entity)
basketball = entity
tasks = {}

How do you do this??? Please i really wanna get this working in my server ill literally pay anyone that can help me.

dm me on discord Nag-Dudes©#8958

+rep to the devs, got everything to work nicely. the script is amazing

getting this error when holding alt and looking at somthing and the eye does not turn blue

Is there a way to make selection options within the menu that comes up be job specific vs just generalizing the polyzone as a whole to be job specific. See example below. Essentially i dont want customers to see the billing option at a business and only want them to see the pay option.

AddBoxZone(“BurgershotTerm1”, vector3(-1196.0, -891.32, 14.0), 0.4, 0.5, {






}, {

    options = {


            event = "dc-burgershot:client:open:register",

            icon = "fas fa-cash-register",

            label = "Charge Customer",

            job = "burgershop", ------ << Likethis



            event = "dc-burgershot:client:open:payment",

            icon = "fas fa-money-check-alt",

            label = "Pay For Order",

            job = "all", ------ << Likethis



   -- job = {"burgershop"}, ------ << instead of this which generalizes all the options.

    distance = 2.0
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Maybe what you could do is make a copy of it but give it a different job. So customers see one thing, the business owner sees another yk. Not sure if that is how it works, but it sounds reasonable in my head.

same, anyone got a fix?