[RELEASE] FPS Booster for FiveM

Hello everyone!

I’m excited to share with you the FPS Booster for FiveM! This script is designed to enhance your in-game performance while playing GTA V on FiveM servers by dynamically adjusting settings in real-time. It automatically adapts your graphics settings based on your FPS, ensuring a smoother and more optimized experience, regardless of your PC specifications!

:sparkles: Key Features:

  • Dynamic Graphics Adjustments: Graphics settings are automatically adjusted based on your FPS. If the FPS drops too low, settings will be reduced to improve performance. If FPS is high, the graphics will be enhanced for better visual quality.
  • Real-Time Optimization: FPS is monitored every few seconds, ensuring your settings are always fine-tuned to match your hardware’s performance.
  • Flexible Settings: You can set your target FPS to balance between maximum performance and higher-quality visuals.
  • Easy to Use: The script automatically applies the best settings when players join the game, eliminating the need for manual adjustments each time.

:scroll: How It Works:

  1. Low FPS: If FPS drops below 30, the script lowers settings like LOD bias, particle effects, and reduces render distance to boost performance.
  2. Optimal FPS: If FPS is around 60, the script applies balanced settings that offer both performance and visual quality.
  3. High FPS: If FPS exceeds 80, the graphics are optimized for higher quality without affecting performance.

:open_file_folder: Installation Instructions:

  1. Download the script.
  2. Extract it into your server’s resources folder.
  3. Add the following line to your server.cfg:
ensure lsi-fpsbooster (OLD)
ensure FPS-Booster-AI (NEW)
  1. Restart your server, and enjoy the performance boost!

:rocket: How to Use:

  • No additional configuration required: Simply install the script and let it run in the background. The graphics settings will automatically adjust according to the in-game FPS.

:bulb: Feedback and Suggestions:

I welcome feedback and suggestions from the community to further improve this script. If you encounter any issues or have ideas for future developments, feel free to comment below or message me directly!

Download Script:
[OLD] - v1.0.0
lsi-fpsbooster.zip (1.6 KB)

[OLD] - v1.0.1
lsi-fpsbooster.zip (1.8 KB)

[OLD] - v1.0.2
lsi-fpsbooster.zip (2.2 KB)

[OLD] - v1.0.3
lsi-fpsbooster.zip (2.8 KB)

[BETA Release] - v2.0.1

[OLD] - v2.1.1

[OLD] - v2.1.2
FPS-Booster-AI.zip (10.4 KB)

[OLD] - v2.1.3
FPS-Booster-AI.zip (12.3 KB)

[NEW] - v2.1.4
FPS-Booster-AI.zip (19.0 KB)

Thank you for your feedback! Apologies for the missing apostrophe in the fxmanifest, but it’s now fixed.

With this release, I hope to help everyone achieve a smoother experience on FiveM servers. Thank you for trying it out, and I hope you enjoy the performance boost! :video_game::sparkles:

Best regards,


Version 1.0.1
[Thanks @Jester4x for the feedback]

  • Fixed SetParticleFxLoDScale error issue
  • Added new logic for FPS booster

Version 1.0.2
[Thanks @ApolloStudios for the suggestion on the AI system]

  1. NPC Density Control Added (Pedestrian & Vehicle Density):
    • New variables currentPedDensity and currentVehicleDensity control NPC density.
    • Target variables targetPedDensity and targetVehicleDensity manage adjustments based on FPS.
    • Functions SetPedDensityMultiplierThisFrame and SetVehicleDensityMultiplierThisFrame adjust NPC density in each frame.
  2. AI Adjustments for NPC Density:
    • For FPS < 20, NPC density is reduced to 0 (disabling NPCs).
    • For low FPS, NPC density is gradually reduced with FPS drops.
    • For stable, high FPS, NPC density is increased.
  3. Player Notifications System:
    • New notifyPlayer function sends notifications to the player when graphics and NPC settings are adjusted.
  4. AI Log Message Changes:
    • Console messages replaced with in-game notifications via notifyPlayer.
  5. Enhancements to Graphics Settings Transition Function:
    • Smooth transition of pedestrian and vehicle density along with graphics settings using lerp().
  6. Notification Optimization:
    • Notifications now use the “CHAR_LIFEINVADER” icon and “Graphics AI Notification” title.

Version 1.0.3

  • Fixed notification timing issues.
  • Resolved edge cases where graphics settings weren’t reverting correctly.

Version 2.0.1

  • Added new FPS booster.
  • Removed annoying notifications.
  • Modernized methods to be compatible with the latest FiveM servers.
  • Introduced frame generation.
  • AI now automatically adjusts settings dynamically.

Version 2.1.1

  • Added new logic and autofeatures.
  • Strengthened overall performance logic.

Version 2.1.2
[Thanks @scottyHCRP for feedback]

  • Fixed issue with disappearing vehicles.
  • Added /checkping command to check player ping.
  • Optimized logic.

Version 2.1.3

  • Fixed minor bug to improve stability.

Version 2.1.4

  • Fixed minor bug to improve stability.
  • Fixed logic error


These updates enhance the AI’s adaptation to FPS conditions by managing NPC density and providing direct feedback to players via in-game notifications. This makes the system’s adjustments more responsive to the player’s experience.


Version 2.0.x is still in beta. Apologies for the delay in updates as I’m learning new methods. I’d love to hear your thoughts on version 2, and I’ve also removed those annoying map notifications.

The FPS-Booster-AI dynamically adjusts to the specifications of your device to maintain stable FPS performance. However, keep in mind that FPS can vary depending on your device and server load. This script specifically helps optimize client performance to ensure smooth gameplay.

> View the console by pressing the F8 key to see the FPS meter.


Good idea , i love it ! but when i install i have some problem

This show after character loaded in to server and when i use command revive after dead (I use ESX)

hi Jester4x,
I will update the problem immediately, maybe something is causing the error and I will fix it as soon as possible

Thank you for your feedback

Best regards,

Hi, Jester4x,

I have resolved the issue. Please download version v1.0.1

If you encounter any problems, feel free to reach out to us again.

1 Like

Love the “AI” in the script - seems that word has multiple uses now :sweat_smile:

Yes, because it includes special code to boost FPS. Maybe there will be new code that I will add, and I am currently working on that code.

Hi ApolloStudios,

The update is now available. Please download the latest version.
I have added more features and optimizations.

really cool script! love it

i love this buuuuuuut the notification is really annoying would be dope if you could set it to true or false to turn the noti off or on

Hi DanskieTV,

Thank you so much for your feedback!

I’m currently working on an update that will allow the notification feature to be turned on or off as needed. This feature will likely be included in the next update, which I’ve already prepared. It’s designed to help address the issue of unstable FPS or frequent FPS drops.

Stay tuned! I’ll let you know as soon as the update is ready to be released. Thanks for your patience and support! :raised_hands:

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hey is this stil working

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i need to know if this is still working too

whats this updated yet? the notification are driving me crazy

edit the client script, just uncomment or delete all phrases thats starts with notify

Hello everyone,
New version has been release

Link to download:
FPS-Booster-AI.zip (

1 Like

Hi stone256,
New version 2 available now with no more annoying notification

GOOD SCRIPT!. but it was making cars disappear when trying to steal a ped. when you get out of the car it would just place you in the middle of the car but on the outside. it did work but need work

hi scottyHCRP,
Thank you for your feedback

I will correct it and inform you once it’s resolved.

hi scottyHCRP,
New version is available now (v2.1.4)

Does this work in fivem client? or it works on city server with tx admin only? where folder location should i drag this?