[Release] [Standalone] FiveMAlertify


Simple NUI Based Notification System FiveM

Example Command in client.lua commented out

client_scripts { -- this is how u can use our script  in your script! 

--showNotification(style, title, message, duration)

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You could export the function instead of forcing your server owners/developers to include the client-side script in their’s a simple way you could do that is by writing an exports native in a client-side file that has access to the showNotification function like this

exports('showNotification', showNotification);


if you feel its horrible to make owners/developers include that in there client file and feel inclined make a pull request :blush:

i think he was giving you a great suggestion… no need to make a pull request if you have already read it :smiley:

you can also use client events with event handlers or exports either one would make it a lot easier

I don’t see any reason to doing it if someone else does it i will merge it its very simple all you do is go into fxmanifest.lua and add a line of code

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That’s the same as copying the code into their own client.lua lmao

Take advice when given, that’s the way to become better at things, not arguing against good advice.

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no it isn’t they also need the html code then this post dosen’t make sense i will not respond to one of these if you care that much then do it instead of wasting more time telling me to do something ive all ready said im not doing it simple.

ill just do for you and pr if its that big of a deal, were only trying to help as the fxmanifest way is a really bad way of handling it nobody wants to open every single script and add that its a lot of unnecessary work