[Release] [Standalone] cookcrosshair - Built-in crosshair editor

Let’s being honest, a lot of people have an ingame crosshair, it’s even available in some monitors…
So ! to make it fairplay to everyone i made a very simple script to edit and use a built-in crosshair into FiveM.

It’s not perfect, but it should do the job.
It’s all client sided and standalone, everything is saved using kvp local storage.

Preview :

Download/Source code :

How to install :

  • Download cookcrosshair from GitHub
  • Edit your server.cfg and add ensure cookcrosshair

How to use :
Simply use the F8 Console commands :

  • cross : display the crosshair
  • crosse : edit the crosshair
  • crossr : reset the crosshair

To include it in your options menus, You might want to trigger the events from your own scripts :

  • TriggerEvent("cookcrosshair:active")
  • TriggerEvent("cookcrosshair:reset")
  • TriggerEvent("cookcrosshair:edit")

Last words :
I hope this might be usefull to someone, if you want to improve the script i’m open to the discussion.
No copyright, no license, it’s all yours ! even though a simple thank you is always appreciated :slight_smile:
Add, remove anything you want, from now on that is your script !


Hey @Cookay, :wave:
nice release. What’s that for a “Pull out” weapon animation?

I believe its this one

Hey ! A mix of animation found on the internet, and a custom script, might release it if needed but yes i think the one Tiimon shared would do the job with pistols

Nice bro, Arcadia is getting better every day :upside_down_face:

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Thanks :slight_smile:

Will this work in an esx server?

Yes, this is standalone so it should work on any server

We couldnt get it to work.

There is no “__resource.lua” in my resource as it is deprecated, i do use a fxmanifest so, don’t know what you did there

I figured it out. I put the master folder in and didnt just put the file in.

Oh cool then, glad you found the problem

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I have a problem, the default crosshair dissapeared.
I have uninstalled the resource but the crosshair still off…
Even after restarting the server

Hey, there is no way my resource did this, it’s probably something in your client settings.
Good luck !

Good !, How about I was wondering if you could tell me how to make the look only appear at the time of aiming and it is not all day on the screen, thank you!

It would be pretty simple, i guess something like IS_PLAYER_FREE_AIMING could do the trick.

Line 156 :
if customCrosshairState then

Replace with :
if customCrosshairState and IsPlayerFreeAiming(PlayerPedId()) then

Didn’t try but that should work.

No, it didn’t work, do you know any other way? If not, do not worry, thank you very much! :grin:

That should work but then replace with :

if customCrosshairState and isControlPressed(0, 25) then

Kind of ugly, but means it only show when input_aim (right click) is pressed.