[RELEASE] sody_clubs - ESX Clubs/Gangs Society Add-on [DEPRECATED] [DISCONTINUED]

Hi All,

Due to ESX having a major rework, I haven’t seen a need to update the script as it is. There is an ESX 1.2 patch provided by someone who was nice enough to do the leg work in this thread, search it out and it should resolve most of the common issues I’ve been reading through recently.

My own server’s version of this script is much, much different than what is offered currently on the GitHub. I’ve gone beyond most of the base ESX scripts, incorporated esx_inventoryhud, created my own custom inventory database and more. It wouldn’t be very friendly with vanilla ESX installs at this point unfortunately.

I’m waiting for the ESX team to get a solid release before I work on anything public at this point in time because anything I do now will become outdated fairly quickly.

I appreciate all of the kind words and support for the script, it means a lot to me that something I poured a lot of time into is being utilized and enjoyed, that’s why I do dev work in the first place. I look forward to the future and releasing some of my other stuff, there are quite a few scripts in my vault of goodies :slight_smile:

Hey has anyone found a way to reliably to use the club information for a HUD? I get mine to display correctly using

ESX.TriggerServerCallback(‘sody_clubs:getPlayerClub’, function(playerdata)
     PlayerClub = playerdata.club
     PlayerRank = playerdata.club_rank_name

However, due to this constantly doing a server callback this is very network intensive and even if you have huge wait time it still makes the HUD laggy.

It’d probably be easier to create an export for sody_clubs that grabs the Player’s Club. Or only do the Trigger once with a onPlayerSpawn/playerLoaded handler within your HUD script.

Upon pressing E to access the job menu it doesn’t do anything when I am club rank 4 (owner) with no errors.

When I try to deposit something I get this error from both storages but not when withdrawing an item.

last update 6 month , come on bro do something :smiley:

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how to add car to garage?
how to add outfit to clockroom?

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Outfit using Eden clothes?

you mean garage?
i dont understand

i use [Release] esx_np_skinshop (UPDATE)

Hi. I just downloaded your scrip but when I put it and try to put a personal car in the garage I get the following error but I don’t know what the translation does [en] [sticjv_not_owned] does not exist and I don’t know what it calls or what translation it does


Anyone have issues with the door locks, that when you set them to a specific club, and you unlock them only ppl in that club see them unlocked/ can walk through them?

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i have

anyone have a template already made for ballas? this might be what i been looking for. A more important question though, has this been tested with kashactors (multi-character support) in the past that has caused me mountains of trouble

i searching to…

So I finally got this working and setup. I had an issue with the doorlocks as my esx_doorlocks script is all messed up and not the original. but anyways… Whenever I try to put a vehicle in the garage… I get this message

translation [en][stockv_not_owned] does not exist

I’m assuming its trying to tell me I don’t own the vehicle… which I do… but also theres no translation for this in the locales folder…

I do have jb_edens_garage… and I have it set to edens_garage in the config file… not sure whats going on…

Has anyone gotten the garage to work with this…

Please can you make the garage work with the script jb_eden_garage2

I have an issue with the garage. I can store my cars/bikes but when i wanna take them out the garage menu will hide in a few secs and i don´t see any vehicles owned under the garage menu.

This section in the code (which creates the markers) is taking way to much resources, it keep going between 0.20 and 0.30 MS

Is there a way to make the performance a lot less.

(I know someone posted about it earlier but is “fix” dit nothing to lower the performance)

nice work! ^^