[Release] Simple outlaw alert (11-04-2017)

Where abouts would I add this code and would I need to remove any code?

Any ideals on how to change the language When ever I get an alert, it is NOT in english.

Has anybody made a whitelist for weapons, so that it doesen’t show when throwing a snowball? :smiley:

not working for whitelisted cops with custom GTAO online characters, it still displays to the whole server

Where do I put this?

Hi! I have a good idea for alerting! I’m using gc_phone but I can’t send dispatches to the polices etc… so I would like to connect the outlawalert with gc_phone so the game will send an alert and a blip to the police officers when somebody called them like the carjacking blip! Can you make this? I’m really glad to your that you did that script so can you please help me what to do?

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Can anyone help?
i am trying to get the text to display in chat insted since i think that chat box is disapering to fast but cant get it to work :S

can you tell me how to expand the radar distance for carjacking, gunshot, and melee?

Anyone got code for silencers? Including MK2 weapon silencers?

Anyone know how to add DRUG SALES alerts into the script please I would appreciate it very much!

Thanks for the awesome work @nynjardin

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Feb 18

Hi! I have a good idea for alerting! I’m using gc_phone but I can’t send dispatches to the polices etc… so I would like to connect the outlawalert with gc_phone so the game will send an alert and a blip to the police officers when somebody called them like the carjacking blip! Can you make this? I’m really glad to your that you did that script so can you please help me what to do?

You ever find a answer ? I have same question

il possibile change “local PedModels” to vrp pex?? “alert.police”

how can i make it work for police withour peds i mean all work in police

Anyone knows how to make the alert blips appear on the minimap?

how can you make it work if you are using eup peds cause that’s what my server uses

Anyone found a solution for not working silencing of snowballs? Its working for every other weapon.

				  elseif currentWeaponHash == GetHashKey("WEAPON_SNOWBALL") then
				    havesilence = true  

How would i stop certain weapons like the fire extinguisher from setting off a shots fired alert. and when someone with the police job shoots as it sends an alert too

It should still work i have eup peds and it works it sends it to players with a certain job eg. Police

does anyone know how to add alerts for car crashes?

Did you find a solution?