This script is almost two years old so I'm sure it's broken by now. And as originally stated with the post, this is an example script, and I will not be updating it.
Here you go, just type /cuff PlayerID
Every line has a comment about what it’s doing. So it should be fairly easy to understand.
NOTE: This is just an example script, i will not be adding to or updating it
You shoukd use SetEnableHandcuffs(ped, toggle) also, to prevent using weapons.
Usefull natives to check and add in your script:
SetEnableHandcuffs(GetPlayerPed(-1), true)
Also, you can give ped “weapon”, named WEAPON_HANDCUFFS - to make ped play “cuffs” animation instead of TaskPlayAnim, and also, mp_m(f)_freemode__01 has drawable variations with cuffs on hands. Check some slots with my editor.