Simple Announcements - A Basic and Simplified Announcer
Simple Announcer is one of my first scripts, and many more to come. It’s a basic script however, and since it is there really isn’t much to it. The only important thing is the configuration file which you can change to however you like. I’ve also included a basic prefix so it stands out different to the other messages, such as player messages and what not.
Broadcast announcements with a permission based command (Refer below to use this)
Dynamic error checking, if a message is less than 3 characters it will be considered an invalid
Automatic auto announcement disabling, meaning if there are no messages in the list located in the config.lua file it will automatically disable message disabling
Planned Features
Permission based announcements such as an admin announcement
Have more ideas? Please do by all means share.
Easy Installation Guide
Installing is as simple as downloading and throwing into your resource folder, but some may not find it easy.
Locate you’re resources folder within you’re server-data folder
Drag and Drop into you’re resources folder
Locate the config.lua file within the resource folder and edit to you’re needs
Add the following lines into you’re server.cfg file, don’t forget to remove the -master at the end
start simple-announcements
To use the permission based command, add an ace into you’re server.cfg file or wherever you have you’re automatic resources started from. You can copy and paste the example below, but if you want to have it to a different group only, such as superadmin just change the admin part.
Some new cool features have been added thanks to the help of AthenasEngineering from the FiveM Discord.
To use the permission based command, add an ace into you’re server.cfg file or wherever you have you’re automatic resources started from. You can copy and paste the example below, but if you want to have it to a different group only, such as superadmin just change the admin part.
add_ace group.admin command.announce allow
A new dynamic error checking, if the message within the announcement command isn’t longer than 3 characters it is considered an invalid message.
An automatic message disabler, meaning if there are no messages in the config.lua file then it automatically disables auto messages, thanks Athenas .
The new permission based command made to work around an ace, to add the ace refer to the main page of this repository.
The ability to announce from the console, RCON, or CLI.
Having an issue where the resource just doesn’t work. Added myself using ace permission. Added in to my resource folder. Did start simple-announcements in my server.cfg. Any help?
is this something that can be used for something like, every day at 5 am sends an announcement that the server will be restarting soon? or does someone have to be at the keyboard to manually send the announcement?