[Release] Server Utilities | Basic Set of Server Tools

Server Utilities - A Set of Server Tools

Hello all once again, after releasing my Simple Announcements resource, I thought I’d might as well share my other resource, Server Utilities. It consists of some basic and simple scripts for you’re server that allow you to get easier access to things you wouldn’t be able to without a trainer or such. This is my second script/resource and many more to come, so I greatly appreciate all the support and criticisms from you which helps me make my resources better.

Currently, the resource only has commands but I do hope to include more such as NoClip and some other fun stuff.

There isn’t any need for pictures, so I won’t provide them as the list of commands below explains what they do.

Current Features/Commands

  • /cc - Clears all of chat and removing any commands left in the history
  • /weapon [weapon_hash] - Provides the player with a weapon
  • /ammo - Alongside the /weapon command, this provides ammo for the current weapon in hand
  • /suicide - Self explanatory but kills yourself and respawns you
  • /vehicle [vehicle model] - Spawns a vehicle with the specified model
  • /dv - Deletes the vehicle the player is in.
  • Ads w/Images - An advanced notification setup w/ad templates

Possible Features/Commands

  • /tp [player ID] - A teleport command to teleport you to a player anywhere in the world
  • /tpme [player ID] - Teleports a specified player to you’re current location
  • /tpcoords [x, y, z] - Will teleport you to the specified coordinates
  • /kill [player ID] - Kills a specified player that is alive
  • /freeze [player ID] - Stops the specified player from moving and doing any other actions
  • NoClip - Allowing the player to fly around the world without any collision to objects
  • Admin Chat Only - Only groups or admins with an ace can type in chat
  • Menu Based - Commands and Features possibly in a menu?

If you have anymore ideas, please do share them or if you even want to contribute go ahead and make a pull request. You’re idea doesn’t have to be command based, it can be something unrelated to command but rather a feature like NoClip.

Easy Installation Guide

Installing is as simple as downloading and throwing into your resource folder, but some may not find it easy.

  1. Download the latest release via GitHub
  2. Locate you’re resources folder
  3. Put the provided folder in the archive into you’re resources folder (Don’t forget to remove the -master at the end of the folder name)
  4. Add the line below into you’re server.cfg file

start server-utilites

  1. In the resource folder, locate the perms_file.cfg file and put that where you’re server.cfg file is located.
  2. In you’re server.cfg file add the line below into it.

exec perms_file.cfg


If you would like to restrict the commands to only certain groups such as admin or superadmin, add the following into you’re server.cfg file.

Make sure to fill out GroupName and CommandName with the group you want and the command name from above correctly, otherwise it won’t work.

add_ace group.GroupName command.CommandName allow


add_ace group.superadmin command.cc allow


  • Thanks to @AthenasEngineering for once again helping me on this resource as well, much appreciate. :smile:

Empty files within server/?

Ah my bad, I’ll remove that from the release.

UPDATE: The unnecessary files have been removed from the release.


Nice release m8 you did a good job here

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Thank you, I hope to do more! :smiley:

sweet post might try it later tonight

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Cool release mate

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Thank you guys very much, I appreciate the kudos for my second release :smiley:

Update | Version 1.1


  • Notification based images, see examples below
  • Reworked some commands to run better
  • Added weapons table in configuration file, allowing add on weapons to be added


  • Prefix variable changed from config.server to config.prefx
  • Fixed check on possibility of vehicle loading infinitely if the model hasn’t loaded
  • Fixed creation of vehicle at coordinates of player before previous vehicle is deleted
  • Compressed the spawnVehicle into smaller code, removing the else block
  • Changed cc function name to be more descriptive, clearChat

Download available via latest GitHub release.

Cute release, thanks !

1 Like

No problem! :smiley:

can you make a preview of the ad w/ picture?

Not at the moment, no but I will create a basic taxi ad tomorrow. Although you can refer to the commands advanced notifications as they will be basically the same thing. Here is an image of what it would look like.



ok thanks

Update | Version 1.2

New Features

  • Ads have now been added thanks to the help of Athena, you can view on how to use the ads via the wiki provided here.
  • Included a designated permissions file to easily keep track of the resources permissions. Installation provided in the guide as well as the main page.



  • Some minor grammar errors in the code

Download available via latest GitHub release.

1 Like

are the possible features not added?

