[Release] Security Cams

Press F8 and look at the Error you are getting by doing that! Do you have pnotify? Do you have mhacking?

Same error, no errors in F8, will look if i found something

How can i add multiple places so they don’t overlap

So i want to have a place set up at Pacific Standard and Fleeca Bank but i can’t work out how to make it so when i’m at Fleeca it doesn’t show Pacific Standards Security Cameras

Unfortunately the #3 fix made another problem. It’s now solved. Thanks for the reports about the issue!

  • esx_securitycams is now updated again and works like a charm!

Download links: https://github.com/LifeGoal/esx_securitycam or https://github.com/ESX-PUBLIC/esx_securitycam

any video please?

Can anyone tell me how i add in new cameras? for the ESX version

So I have set up everything u have to use the standalone and nothing will work and how to u set up new cameras thanks

Just look at how I’ve added the originals. Just add more with the same code :stuck_out_tongue:

any way to get cameras coords? (any script or name or tip will be much appreciate)

I tried to add new camera but its not worked, why ideas why?
Client: https://pastebin.com/iJx7NgNu
Console: http://prntscr.com/nx59q7

It clearly says what the Error is. ”AllowedModels” or whatever. It’s something wrong with it. If you use ESX, use the esx version. I have never used Xanders version so I can’t help you unfortunately

I don’t use ESX, whats wrong with it?

Read the error and fix it.

I asked if you used ESX because that version is working 100%

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I tried to remove this but its still not working…
What i need to add/remove?

Can someone answer that?

Some know how to change the font?

You can change 3Dtext font changing line 193 SetTextFont(0) from 0 to whatever you want.

Working. Great job mate.
Tested adding new cameras (and rotate ones).

Yeah, but like custom fonts?

I tried to add new camera but its not worked, why ideas why?
Client: https://pastebin.com/iJx7NgNu
Console: http://prntscr.com/nx59q7

How to add fonts