[Release] Re-Ignited GCPhone (ESX 1.1 & 1.2(final))

Hello, when I use the version of es_extended 1.2.0, a spam appears in the console with this format:

Could you correct this screenshot-basic to really be compatible with es_extended 1.2.0? Thank you.


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Nice script, all the feature work perfectly but i have a issue, when i enable mouse control for the first time everything worked but i tried to open the phone for the second time i can’t click anything, only home button worked to click.

Anybody have the same issue?


  • running on extended v1.2 Final
  • phone item
  • tokovoip true
  • open by using command “phone”

@BTNGaming @ROCKY_southpaw

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Don’t tag me.

Second: The phone is archived. You’re not going to get any support from BTN so your wasting your breath even trying. I no longer assist with maintaining this project and I’m entirely unsure why this thread is even open.

The issue you’re referring to is a known issue that was never fixed due to the fact it was not able to be reproduced outside of FiveM. Furthermore, there is no valid repro for it inside of FiveM ether as once it occurs once, it will occur every time since.

If anyone has issues with calling you just need to apply this comment: Not receiving calls on ESX 1.1 · Issue #87 · Re-Ignited-Development/Re-Ignited-Phone · GitHub

The phone will not be receiving anymore work done to it. The state it is in is how it’s going to be.

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As Rocko said, the phone is archived, and will probably stay that way.

There are a couple of things that will be posted to the first message of this thread to make it easier to find, but I’m not currently planning on pulling the phone from the archive.

I am back to being able to respond here and elsewhere, but I will not be updating the phone any further.

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At least give someone your legacy so they can continue to work on updating this amazing script.

They already did. The script was released under the GPL license. Fork the released and modify to your heart’s content.

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This phone is amazing, sad to see it may not get any more updating. Has anyone else been getting massive hitch issues with it though? Or any advice on why it could be hitching?

Hi I would have a problem going into a police job and sending a message to the shelf I don’t get it so I can’t test whether I get the message or not

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Has anyone else had this issue? The phone works fine but the buttons for applications are not reacting correctly. You have to click an application multiple times for it to open. I am having to hit the button atleast 5-10 times just to open contacts or messages.

Any fix for this error iam trying to use essentialmode on my server and get gcphone to work but this is the error i get and the phone dosent work

You’ve cut off some of the errors so everyone will be guessing but I’d start in pl.lua to find out why it’s throwing so many errors.

Insane high ticks, Not sure What I did wrong…

Everything works fine.

18-20 Population at the moment.

Making server HITCH

Every time someone sends a message it causes a server hitch as well.

how do I make the game time display, and not the real time?

Im getting this error when trying to take pictures. I downloaded the screenshot basic you linked in the installation file.

Still receiving errors whenever trying to use the phone camera. I know my screenshot-basic is good because it works perfectly with my EasyAdmin

How to make it working with Discord webhook image server? I had it before so its possible

when i install it calls dont work no errors in console or fivem console player dosent get phone call the phone only rings

try this, in client.lua

 elseif IsControlJustPressed(1, 176) then -- TAKE.. PIC
		exports['screenshot-basic']:requestScreenshotUpload("https://discord.com/api/webhooks/XXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL", data.field, function(data)
		local image = json.decode(data)
		CellCamActivate(false, false)
		cb(json.encode({ url = image.attachments[1].proxy_url }))
      takePhoto = false
  PhonePlayAnim('text', false, true)

oh i see thank you

How do you get this to show up I need to figure out some hitches as well!