The Police Panic script is a simple Standalone script that allows Officers to tune into a “Panic Channel”, which allows them to receive Panic Button activations, as well as activate their own Panic Button. Once a Panic Button is activated, all tuned Officers will hear an Emergency tone, followed by the name of the Officer, their nearest street and cross street, as well as a large flashing blip on their map, with a flashing map route; these will only display for a few seconds.
Presently, the following can be customized:
Cooldown time between activations
Chat Messages
Amount of time blip and route show for
Toggleable reminder
Auto tuning
Based off of whitelist OR
Based off of vehicles
Toggleable notifications and chat suggestions
Which players can use which command (via a whitelist).
Choice of three whitelist options:
Steam ID based JSON file
Ace Permissions
No whitelist
Development Showcase Video (Showing an older version)
We decided not to use a keybind to avoid accidental activation, as well as to make the script more lightweight (so we are not running control group checks every tick), but people are definitely free to rewrite the resource to use a keybind instead, if that’s what they prefer
Since this is a standalone script this is not achievable out of the box, without modification; however, an up-coming update using vehicle whitelisting should help.