[Release] PocceMod (fun menu with ropes!)

thanks but the crash also happen mostly while using the turbo boost. I’ve put the power of the turbo boost to 600 and also put the charge and recharge rate to 100 so it’s infinite could this maybe be the cause of the crashes and if yes is there a way to get an infinite turbo boost without having to increase the charge and recharge rate too much?

I didnt implement a config option for infinite boost, but I took a quick look at the code and setting TurboBoostRechargeRate to a negative value might achieve this. I didnt try though.

Edit: nvm, it wont accept negative value… I’ll have to think about modifying it
if you feel like hacking, you can modify this line to _blocked = false; and it will be infinite

okay thanks but putting the charge and recharge rate at 100 and also makes it infinite I feel like but I’ll try what you said to see if that will maybe fix the crashes

Hey I have another question/suggestion. Is there a way to add pickups to the menu? I tried adding one in my custom prop config but it didn’t work so is there maybe another way to add them or could you maybe implement that function in your menu please? Here’s a list of all the pickups in case that you can do it maybe it’ll help you and btw I’m most interested in the Vehicle Health pickup


I like this pickup idea. I still have a big todo list for other projects to finish, but I’ll get back to this later.

I’m glad you could resolve the turbo boost thing. If it keeps crashing please include at least the end of the log, it could contain some hint of what exactly causes the issue.

No worries take your time and thanks for adding it and now that you mentionned it I completely forgot but I saved the crash report once when it crashed for me here you have it I hope it helps

CfxCrashDump_2020_05_31_17_32_33.zip (1.7 MB)

Hey, love this mod! One question - when I spawn a Pocce NPC to follow me round, they get in the car with me fine. But when I get out of the car, they then run round to the drivers door and get in, often driving forward a bit before getting out again (they often run me over).

If I get out of the car and instantly run a short distance from it, they seem to follow fine and don’t steal the car.

Is it possible to fix this? It is quite hilarious, especially on a motorbike where they steal it and then jump off again. However it does ruin the RP a bit when using the Pocce followers as characters like having an NPC police officer ride around with me.

Hey! That description of the problem just made me laugh, I think I saw this behavior too before. Maybe I’ll have some time to take a look at this during the weekend.
Also didn’t forget about Dylan’s pickup idea either, just didn’t have the time for it yet.

Hey you should make this into a winch script for cars with a /winch command and connects to the nearest vehicle

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Oooh this script looks incredible! Is it possible to use it like a rope to do some rappeling? AND swing like a spiderman mod maybe? (it’s just an additional question, I’m more interest by using it at Mont Chilliad for rappel)

Good job btw

Hey, i cant open the Menu and there is no error code or something. Also i cant even type /pocce debug

Great Resource :slight_smile:

does anyone know how to add a keybind to rappel from the helicopter or @razzquez could you maybe add that please?

this is the best idea any updates

What is the theme of this menu?

hello I have a problem if I do not put _resource.lua my server will not open because it does not find my poccemod folders but suddenly I think it is a problem because the menu does not open

hey, your Menu is awesome, just a thing i want, i want to tow vehicles from back, like a Tug of war or Winch, how can i do that ? can i edit scripts on my own, or can you release an update for it ?

Thank you so much for the rope, will waiting when it start work with dynamic objects

I really like this resource , its fun to play around, i was wondering if there is the possibility to enable god mode to the companion, like in the bodyguard addon? because i can’t find the line in the scripts , the majority are dll files and i don’t know how to open them…

when i detecting player models and spawning them and it’s mp_m_freemode_01 the face is default.is it possible that it also detects the face of another player?