[Release] PocceMod (fun menu with ropes!)


How can i change it that only superadmin can use that?

There is only support for normal users, moderators and admins or features can be entirely disabled for everyone. Since this isnt some server management menu, I thought that would be enough.

@razzquez i have it in my server resource files but pressing F5 does nothing

New release!

@Meepyneepy I havent forgotten about the lag issues, but I’m stuck with it.
What I noticed so far is having an unhandled exception in a tick causes considerable lag. Next time one of your players experience lag, ask them to check for any poccemod related exceptions in the log (can even check ingame using F8 key). Also ask them if they’ve seen resource time warnings pop ups in the corner.

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If you are talking about the resource time warning in the bottom right corner, that’s how I first figured out that it was causing massive lag issues. I’ll install the new version, hopefully it helps. Thank you for your continuous work on this outstanding mod menu! :slight_smile:

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New release!
Added debug menu (use /pocce debug) + fixed TurboBoostChargeSec

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Can’t wait to get home and install this!

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Glad you like it :slight_smile:
Though for now it is only enough to debug simple misconfiguration issues, but I’m working on telemetry right now. The goal is to collect live data about which mod features are causing the most lag.

I have no idea what “telemetry” is…

It’s a very fancy word for collecting remote data.
Just finished working on it btw, here is the release page. Each player will send some data every minute to those who have permission to receive it (can configure). You can check this data in debug menu. It can be also entirely disabled.

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With the new debug features I’ve managed to find a few lag prone areas to improve. This new release should perform a lot better (especially in case of ropes) than the last one.

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New release release!

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Can you make it so there is an option to change a vehicle horn into a train horn, sirens, etc?

Yea, here you go: poccemod_v2.21_aircraft_horn_patch.zip (77.7 KB)
You can also handpick some sounds from here or here. There is going to be a momentary original horn sound on normal vehicles because the custom horn kicks in a bit later.
If you want to use a sound with soundset name, use SOUNDSET:SOUND format (like CARWASH_SOUNDS:SPRAY_CAR)

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New release!

This is AWESOME!

Thanks very much for this menu! But would be possible to add permissions for turning on the whole thing only for selected group? From what I’ve understood, you can select permissions only for it’s sub categories, not the whole menu, which is exactly, what I (probably not the only one) would like to see :slight_smile:

Edit.: Maybe option to turn in by command instead? :slight_smile:

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if you set all to one group and another group trys to load it will not show anything e.g it will only show to them who have permission to see it

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@CityLifeRPG is right, if you limit each category to moderators or admins (or disable them), normal users wont be able to bring up the menu.
Also if you already have too many hotkeys in use, you can define MenuKey to 0 and rely on /pocce command to open menu.

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Thank you!

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Aaah, F. I’m sorry, I was super tired. Everything works! This wrong thread I was replying to :upside_down_face: