Original idea: [RELEASE] opc_PlayAsAnimal - enhance your roleplay with allowlisted player as animals [PAID] - #7 by dewen
Hello, i created this script to make that thing free to all, it took me exactly 16 minutes to write it and 10 to test it, so it might have some bugs
I hope you like it and I hope the post doesn’t go against the forum rules
(if so moderator can delete it, no problem)
Download: GitHub - XenoS-ITA/play_as_ped
Dependencies: ESX
How to change the command name?
(client) go to line 13 and change the name (default: playasped)
I Want that only some steam id can open it
(client) insert your player steam id in the table on line 9
I Want that only admin can open it
(client) change the line 16 , example:
only user :
if group == "user" then
only admin/superadmin :
if group ~= "user" then
February 25, 2021, 10:21pm
Feel pretty close to Be Jesus . All you need to do is change the name to the ped you wanna be.
Thanks for sharing anyway.
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Error parsing script @play_as_ped /server.lua in resource play_as_ped: @play_as_ped /server.lua:8: ‘}’ expected (to close ‘{’ at line 6) near ‘group’
that was just copy/paste from your script, I did not do anything to it.
i fix it, i have missed a comma
when i do /playasped nothing happens…
April 7, 2021, 3:05pm
Animal models work, but when i want to get back to human, it stucks in this while at line 73,
while not HasModelLoaded(data.current.ped) do
it always prints requesting if i want to go back to human any solutions? So a mistake in the if ped == “human”, i guess these following lines cause the problem:
TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadDefaultModel', isMale, function()
TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadSkin', skin)
I found a fix : in client.lua line 40 replace
if ped == "human" then
if data.current.ped == "human" then
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for me the menu doesnt opens can anyone help please?
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t to go back t
only human in the list working for me im using esx 1.1
the /playasped doesnt work for me can anyone help
Missing animals are not fully streamed in this fix. Hope it will help some guys, despite it is not perfect coded
Twice4sNice/play_as_ped (github.com)
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