[RELEASE] [OLD-ESX] MechanicJob | Props | Elevators | Menus | Costumization Stations

Te error message that the players get about memory is due to a leak being caused by this. I just move it outside of the while and now leak is gone.

That isnt causing any memory leak since it is inside a 1500 ms loop.

Removing it from that loop will break the runtime reload job. Dont recommend.

Because this should be use to keep track of the current job instead.


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Ohhh yeah, alright its true, im gonna change it, thanks.

Hey, i have problem with this script. Sometimes mwchanics get stuck when changing parts or paint car. I dont know why it happens because theres no errors or anything. Any helps?

EDIT: Forgot say that menu closes and mechanic freeze with car. Keys are disabled so he cant go to car or anything what is blocked in script. When i unfreeze he from the admin panel it will helps get out of car but cant do anything else.

When you open the menu, you gonna get freeze to avoid bugs, close the menu to unfreeze

Hello, i dont know why, but i can not paint the car, every time i go to paint the car, when i guett out of the menu , the color stays the original one and the money will still be on the company. Can you help me ?

And i also can not put cars on the job

Cant close menu because when its freezing it will close menu.

I have same problem, i need to put color 2 times before it stays

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hey i can say that is an amazing script thank you a lot ;D but when i reset some other script, i go to the machine ,i press E, i Turn it On and Lift it up , my character stuck , walking in position (can’t move) any solution please ?

Yes, reduce the distance from the station on your side, make it smaller and your problem is gone.

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thanks a lot <3 i changed it the distance from 2.1 to 1.8 it worked

Thanks for amazing share! nice idea to use redial menu for jobs.

I don’t know why but i have some issues:
Commands doesn’t seem to work, i tried both from chat and redial menu. also when i click harvesting it sends item name to console but nothing happens in client.

There are no errors in console, and i use es_extended v1.2


Hello, can someone enlighten me? I did a test, I have two vps, and I made 2 copies of the server, because in one vps I can cross the car lift, there is not an invisible wall and the other host is? ‘-’


Olá, alguem me pode esclarecer eu fiz um teste, eu tenho duas vps, e fiz 2 copias do server, porque numa vps consigo atravessar o elevador do carro não fica uma parede invisivel e na outra host fica? ‘-’

I have a problem, the modifications or tuning dont cost bussines money/player money, its free, any can help to resolve the problem? i dont have any error

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Why the boxes from props are invisibles? I need any script more than just yours?

EDIT: Don´t worry i manage to fix all the problems that i got. But now anyone knows how to make a buy? When i click ENTER to buy some MOD it dont rest me money from society and dont buy. Just works the wheels. WEIRD HELP

Did you manage to resolve this? All working for me radial menu carlifts but not the customs options . Is not resting me money from society account. I have fine the sql and i dont modify the customization code.

Did you fix this? Please im having the same issue.

if you still need it just replace in client/main.lua

if data.current.price ~= nil then
						if isRimMod then
							price = math.floor(vehiclePrice * data.current.price / 100)
							TriggerServerEvent("esx_mechanicjob:buyMod", price)
						elseif v.modType == 11 or v.modType == 12 or v.modType == 13 or v.modType == 15 or v.modType == 16 then
							price = math.floor(vehiclePrice * v.price[data.current.modNum + 1] / 100)
							TriggerServerEvent("esx_mechanicjob:buyMod", price)
						elseif v.modType == 17 then
							price = math.floor(vehiclePrice * v.price[1] / 100)
							TriggerServerEvent("esx_mechanicjob:buyMod", price)
							price = math.floor(vehiclePrice * v.price / 100)
							TriggerServerEvent("esx_mechanicjob:buyMod", price)

to this:

if v.price ~= nil then
						if isRimMod then
							price = math.floor(vehiclePrice * v.price / 100)
							TriggerServerEvent("esx_mechanicjob:buyMod", price)
						elseif v.modType == 11 or v.modType == 12 or v.modType == 13 or v.modType == 15 or v.modType == 16 then
							price = math.floor(vehiclePrice * v.price[data.current.modNum + 1] / 100)
							TriggerServerEvent("esx_mechanicjob:buyMod", price)
						elseif v.modType == 17 then
							price = math.floor(vehiclePrice * v.price[1] / 100)
							TriggerServerEvent("esx_mechanicjob:buyMod", price)
							price = math.floor(vehiclePrice * v.price / 100)
							TriggerServerEvent("esx_mechanicjob:buyMod", price)