[RELEASE] np_carryped

para foro



What is this?
It is a simple and standalone script that I have done in a couple of hours of testing. It is very simple to use, just ask a PED and write in the chat: /carryped

Why i made this?
I was calm on my server thinking how I could improve the /carry and then it occurred to me to make a carry but for PEDS, you can give more role with the PEDS, since you could use them as hostages for stores etc …
The only limitation is your head! And of course, the server rules :wink:

Consumption of the resource
Captura de pantalla (110)

Idle = 0.00 ms
Working = 0.00ms

Simple, some functions and TrigerEvent()


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If you need help, check readme.md in the github repo!


Nice work :100:

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i like that resmon, you should do a hands up as well

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With 0.01? It will be simple

Can you do a drag one as well for ai peds?

Does this work on AI?

Test It :wink:

Wow… so if script is not named np_carryped you have it close the server…
kinda fucked up

     print("[^1"..GetCurrentResourceName().."^7] Started!")
     if GetCurrentResourceName() ~= 'np_carryped' then
 		print("[^1"..GetCurrentResourceName().."^7] !!^3WARNING^7!! Please rename the resource from "..GetCurrentResourceName().." to 'np_carryped'")

try to remove that, if script its not named np_carryped won’t work so.
And if u remove that part you break the license :wink:

If you don’t like the script, don’t use it xD

i mean you only need to run the client side and just edit the chat command…

   RegisterCommand('carryped', function()

WoW, if you do it you break the license, keep doing this!

what part ?

I repeat, if you do not like the script, do not use it, but do not despise the work of others and if you despise it so much, make your own

I dont despise the script. I despise the wanna be named NP of it. As so many leaked NP stuff going around and trying to make people be forced to call it np just looks like people are running a leaked script…


Your license says:

  You shall not use any piece of this software in a commercial product / service
  You shall not resell this software
  You shall not provide any facility to install this particular software in a commercial product / service
  If you redistribute this software, you must link to ORIGINAL repository at https://github.com/string-null/np_carryped
  This copyright should appear in every part of the project code.

Which essentially means we can’t re-sell your resource which no one be technically doing. There isn’t any limitations in regards to what we can do to it ourselves on our own servers. If we remove the version check and did:

   RegisterCommand('stupid', function()

You wouldn’t be able to know that this is your event being triggered. Not only do I not need to rename the resource I can remove your whole server side check and just put this as a client file within another resource.

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I can’t drop the ped if the ped dies while I am carrying them.

Oh, I forgot to update the license, thanks for reminding me. The serverside it’s not only for that, it has a version check there too, if i update the script you will se the new version in console.


bruh anyone can remove this