[Release] [ NoPixel Styled Alerts ] esx_outlawalert with integrated WF_Alerts

Same here :sweat:

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ermmm, no idea, i don’t have a server up to test this right now either, did u restart the script once u edited in my new one?

RegisterCommand('1013', function(source, args, raw, targetCoords, streetName, vehicleLabel, playerGender )
	mytype = 'police'
    data = {["code"] = '10-13', ["name"] = 'Officer Down, ["loc"] = streetName}
    length = 5500
    TriggerClientEvent('esx_outlawalert:outlawNotify', -1, mytype, data, length)

Yes and server restart, but no location.

Yeah mate and it still doesn’t work

yeah idk then sorry.

Thanks for your help, if you find it someday please let us know :slight_smile:

How to change notification goes to left side. I tried to look all files but didnt found anything that change it to left side

check the css, it will be in there.


Can it be because there is no location triggered in the client.lua ?

hmmm i dunno,

Hi mate, love the script, is there a way so cops don’t show when they shoot?? And also things like baseballs, fire extinguishers??

Check the config, and to disable those just turn off melee alert in the config

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Legend, must have missed it, would there be a way to outlawalert drug selling failures?

of course. I will try to come up with some examples within the server.lua and update the github later.

i dont have resouce.lua but i make one but it doesnt show

Just change to fxmanifest. Not too hard

what should i change ? sorry im still learning sir .

did you get the officer down working?